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"Wow, that looks delicious," Jimin smirks, his palm about to land on the beautifully cooked meat. Just as his fingers were about to reach the plate, they were harshly slapped away, he looks up to meet an annoyed hybrid. That is when he heard snickers, Jungkook and Taehyung sat on the barstools, as they covered their mouth to stop laughing.

But a cute little glare from the feline shuts them up. Jimin sighed, he rubbed his fingers walking to the younger as he whispered. "What is up with her?" He stares at the back of the hybrid who was furiously cooking Jungkook sighed. "Just, she hates meat. But still, is cooking it. I think that is what's annoying her." 

"But, why would she cook something she hates?" Jimin whisper yelled, remembering the disgusted expressions of Soma, whenever there was meat on the dining table. "That, my friend is the golden question."

Taehyung smiles, sarcastically. "Soma~ Just one slice, please..." Jungkook cooed sweetly as he stared at the meat. The hybrid hisses. Jungkook rolled his eyes. 

5 men greedily stared at the plate as Soma decorated like a goddamn art piece. Salsa settled on top of it, lettuce leaves placed beside it. Cherry tomatoes were perfectly placed. Garnishing of Kale leaves and shredded kale for the kick.

The plate looked like a goddamn meal(Pun intended). There were sparkles in the five pairs of eyes. But, the mystery was, there were five- Er... Six of them. And a single plate... Which lucky mouth will be able to taste heaven?

The maids soon started plating the food on the dining table where the five males impatiently sat excited as hell. Namjoon still did not understand what the hype was all about. Suddenly a hesitant feline stepped out of the kitchen, the beautifully plated meat on her plate, ready to be feasted on. 

Their grips tightened on the forks as their eyes glittered. 

The 5 pairs of excited eyes followed the plate just to get heartbroken. The smiling hybrid gently placed the plate in front of Namjoon, who was less bothered about anything, his eyes glued to a book. 

Hoseok and Yoongi scoffed. As a perfect pout fell upon Taehyung and Jimin's lips. Jungkook looked away as he stopped himself from whining.

The atmosphere of the room fell gloomy. Jungkook and Taehyung who were often heavy eaters, were not eating, at all.

'Why is he not eating?' Taehyung read as his eyes lock with Soma's. He rolled his shoulders. 'Tell him to eat.' Taehyung rolled his eyes. 'TELL. HIM.' He sighed. "You are not eating... Hyung." He said.

Namjoon flinched and looked at the younger. He looked at the meat and nodded. Placing the book aside. Yoongi and Hoseok sulked stuffing their faces with food, as they watch Soma excitedly waiting for Namjoon to taste it.

Just as Namjoon chews on the first bite, he hums. "Mrs. Anne. This tastes... different. Did you make it?" He asked. Jimin scoffed. "Why not, your majesty" He huffed. "Soma made it herself. Only for you."

He sulked. Soma's cheek brightens as she looks down. When there was no reply from Namjoon she looks up to find him scowling at her. She gulps.

"Salt's a little weak." He smiled. He dimples popping. Soma blushed furiously. "Nothing I can't fix. One second." He smiled standing up as he walked towards the kitchen. 

'I'll be back in a second.' Soma signed, before rushing up behind the taller male. She giggled shyly. He liked the meat! Her beautiful grin dropped as she found Namjoon looking at her with his dragon eyes filled with fury. He held the plate of Meat in his hand. His eyes dug into her soul.

His stern expressions just screamed- 'Bitch you did not!' He scoffed looking at her confused expressions.

Namjoon swiftly moved the plate to his right opening a cabinet. Soma frowned deeper. What was he-

With a soft noise, the plate falls into the dustbin. As he dusted off his palms. 

Namjoon walked closer to her. The confidence Soma had gained, by his expressions when he tasted her meat, was now buried and rested in peace. She looked at her feet as she saw Namjoon's flip-flops standing a few inches from her's. 

"Pathetic." He spats. Bumping his shoulder to her's harshly, he stormed out. Tears pool in her eyes. But she just sighed; smiling softly. 

Today was a failure, but tomorrow would definitely be a success.

She was wrong. Today was a huge disappointment. Namjoon wasn't talking to her. But now, even the others gave her cold shoulders.

"What's wrong princess?" Jin Cooed as he looked at her sitting on her bed as usual. A soft, fake- smile on her face. She shook her head. Jin sighed. It was the first time, she had seen him in casuals in a while. He was also not in his office, he was in a bedroom. A messy bedroom. Jin stood in a white T-Shirt and purple pants. It seemed like he was... packing?

Soma pointed at the open suitcase and twitched her eyebrows, questioningly. Jin smiled, his eyes filled with joy. "I-I am... well, going somewhere..." Soma frowned. 'Again?'. She mouthed. Jin sighed. 

"Anyway. How did they like the meat?" He smiled. He had taught her the recipe. After all meat and shrimp were his specialties. Soma sighed, remembering, how much mess the meat had created.

'It went great!'- Soma

She texted, soon a ding was heard from Jin's side. He smiled. This was an easy way of communicating, they had figured. "Really? Tell me about it?" Soma gulped. She never really thought Jin would ask for the details, he was usually very busy anyways...

'Yeah, Namjoon loved it, he actually ate it all. The others tasted it too... When I tried it. It was not properly salted. But they never complained for once.'- Soma

Jin smiled reading the text. "Wow! I would like to taste it too!" He grinned. "Did they thank you?" He asked, knowing how much of ungrateful brats her brothers could be. 


'Yeah, they did. They thanked me, a lot :)'- Soma

Jin smiled. "What's with the smiley? Jungkook taught you that didn't he?! He uses that a lot." Soma smiled and laughed. After a long time, the duo had a nice talk. Not like she was complaining. She enjoyed her time with the older male. He made her feel comfortable and happy.

She remembered the time he would wake her us with his beaming smile. She would peck his cheek... 

She really missed him. She just wanted to be in his arms...

She wished she could make that happen...

Yeah, I'm back. I hope I wasn't that late...?

You know the rules. VOTE. Or else, I am not confident about letting you see tomorrow's rising sun. 

*Smiles in sarcastic*

The Hybrid | Bts Ot7 fanfic (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now