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"When did you prepare the documents for terminating the treaty..." Jin mumbled signing a few documents, Namjoon looked up to meet Jin's eyes as he smiled a little, at least he talked to him. "E-Earlier..." Jin hummed in response, his eyes not leaving the sheets.

"Hyung, I am sorry, please-"

"I have work to do, you can leave." Namjoon sighed as he nodded, before walking out of Jin's cabin and closing the door behind him. But when he saw, Soma all dressed up and ready to go in baggy jeans and a T-shirt, a messy bun atop her head, and chunky sneakers, he frowned.

"Well, well, are we going somewhere...?" Namjoon spoke with a hint of suspicion as Soma turned around to face him, a beautiful grin stretched upon her face as she nodded eagerly. 'Hoseok's taking me...'

"I didn't ask who is taking you, Som. I asked where are you going." Soma rolled her eyes playfully at his stern remark. Before she could answer a stony voice cuts her off. "You don't have to answer every one, love. Especially him."

"It's none of his business, now is it?" He said walking Past Namjoon as his hands wrap around Soma's shoulder, his once soft eyes throwing daggers at Namjoons' dull face, making the taller male sigh. "It's not like that, Hyung-"

"Come on lovely, let's just go."

Soma's face fell as Hoseok dragged her away, Namjoon just gave away a soft assuring smile as they walked out the door.

Soma stared at Hoseoks's beautiful face while he drove in the middle of nowhere, with long trees surrounding the perfect road that seemed endless. She hoped it really was endless... She knew there was a lot going on, but she just wanted to cage all the happiness at this moment-

"It's rude." Hoseok said changing the gare, his eyes not leaving the road, Soma hummed softly, as if asking him- 'What?' Hoseok just laughed. "Staring, my love. It's considered rude." Soma giggled softly. 'I am sorry...' She signed but continued staring at him, after a good 15 minutes of comfortable silence Hoseok sighed.

"Soma,  you should really stop the staring now, or else I might lose control." Soma sighed but nodded with a grin. She looked away, into the trees as she signed, 'Where are we going?' Hoseok glanced at her signs and rolled his shoulders.

"I don't know, wherever this road takes us..." Soma chuckled softly before looking beside her, at Hoseok. 'What do you mean?' Hoseok raised his eyebrows, "You know, you have seen all other is to see, the beach, the shopping complex, I had no idea where to take you."

'Then we could have stayed home...' "And lose a chance to spend time with you, AGAIN. No ma'am, not today." He shook his head slightly. Soma just laughed. "Do you not like it here?" Soma shook her head softly. 'It's calm, just like you... And to be truthful, I did need some peace. Thank you.'

"Soma, are you sure-" Hoseok was cut off by Soma opening her seat belt and cheerfully walking out of the car, her ears bouncing atop her head in joy. Hoseok sighed...

He had never imagined that he, the son of the former mafia leader Kim would have to eat dinner under the sparkling stars, on the side of an old but pretty pond. But, guess the dilated orbs of a mystical exotic hybrid can melt stones.

He sighed before getting out of the car and closing the door

"I-" Before he could speak any further Soma turned around, her eyes shining bright glass blue, as if the moonlight settled in them, She softly smiled raising her hand for him to take it, Hoseoks eyes never left hers as he walked away from the car, his hand slowly inched closer to hers before his cold slender fingers engrossed her small warm palm. 

Soma grinned pulling him closer, Hoseok softly gasped as he was slightly jerked forward, and Soma held his other hand intervening her fingers with his. Hoseok softly smiled as his eyes lingered over their joined palms, oh, she was so pretty... If only she could...

be his... for today... just tomorrow... for forever... Yeah... Why not?

Hoseok's breath stopped as his ears fell numb, the soft screeching sound of the sharp evening wind blew through him washing his soul, when he looked at her eyes, her quivering lips, her twitching nose, and that hair, wild strands of dark locks waved freely, his fingers entangled from hers as he raised one of his hand softly tucking a hair strand behind her ear...

The sudden sound of heart-thumping surrounds him, his heart.... beating for her and hers, beating as if... only for him...

This was totally correct... After all, all he asked for was her, just her, not like he asked for the entire world, she was his entire world...

How? Why? When? Where?

He had no absolute Idea, but he didn't care... He didn't care at the moment he didn't want to care ever again. He loved her so so so so much...

Soma's heart stopped as Hoseok's hand slid on her nape pulling her closer, his lips connected with hers, Soma's eyes shot open in surprise, her hands softly raised and rested on his collar, and Hoseok's hand slid on her waist as his lips mercilessly molded with hers. 

Soma's fingers entangled her fingers in his shiny chestnut locks as He smirked lightly against her lips.

They pulled away after a few seconds, their chests heaving up and down as they stared into the eyes of each other. "I love you..." Soma hummed softly as her eyes shined with tears her blurry eyes stared into his with affection as her hand cupped his cheek her thumb softly gliding over his flushed cheek as he smiled.

"From now on... All my happiness is yours, all your sorrows are mine..."- Taehyung

"I don't like people disrespecting what's mine."- Jimin

"You are mine to protect Soma... You belong with me..."- Namjoon

"I own them all. And you do too for, You belong with me, love. You are mine..."- Seokjin

"Moreover. He slapped you. And you; are mine."- Yoongi

"I love you, Soma. I love you so much, I can't hold it in anymore..."- Jungkook

"I love you, Soma, for today, tomorrow and as long as my heart beats, I will always love-" A loud sting ran through his ears as Soma screamed in horror. Hoseok's limp body falls to the ground with a swing of an old baseball bat. 

"Fun isn't it...?" Soma's eyes tear open at the familiar sound. Sehun's warm venomous breath falls on her ear as he softly whispers, before the poor hybrid could react grabbed her hair and pulled them back as his disgusting lips brush against hers. Soma shuddered, her eyes started turning black as her mind spins.

Hoseok growled dangerously as he yelled. "TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF HER! YOU SON OF A-" "YOU LISTEN TO ME TODAY YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Sehun yelled back, his grip tightened on Soma's hair as she cried. "Really proud of being the son of Kim, huh? The Kim fucking family!" He scoffed.

"I'll show all of you your worth, I'm gonna rip the Kim's off of everything! EVERY FUCKING THING!" He scoffed. "I'll make you fall so low that you all will rub your fucking noses on my shoe to let you all die. And at the fucking moment Jung, I'll make you live. You'll regret every. breath. you. ever. took." He gritted his teeth before mumbling. 

"I swear!" 


OOPS! I KNOW IT WAS SHIT, DON'T RUN AT ME, SORRY, my brain has stopped functioning...

Vote bitch! I mean-

Vote lovelies~~

Yk autocorrect is just-



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