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Chapter 6: Item 0006

Seeing what He kaize did, Ouyang Bo, as a good brother, although he still wanted to stop or follow him to help, he was exhausted and a little depressed because he was chased and played by the second-order zombies. At this time, he really had no strength to fight again, so he had to give up.

Although he was also worried about He Huanhuan, after all, he had little intersection with He Huanhuan, so he restrained all kinds of thoughts and protected himself first.

And Xu Zilan, looking at the he kaize team going away, narrowed her eyes again.

According to the time, He Huanhuan probably has no residue at the moment, and no one will wait until what she has done.

As for he kaize, he is already a second-order power with the help of team members. Even if he meets the second-order zombie, it is not a problem to retreat.

For today's sake, she'd better think about how she should take action when He kaize comes back later.

A group of people managed to get rid of the zombies. At the moment, they couldn't care about anything else. They hurried into a nearby hardware store and were guarded by two people. The rest took the time to replenish food and water and restore their powers, so as not to be vulnerable in case of danger.

Qiao Weiguan doesn't know these things yet.

At this time, after understanding the information of space from the jade slips, Qiao Weiguan walked out of the bamboo house.

Thinking of the zombies and outsiders outside, Qiao Wei smiled.

Although her body recovered a little, it was not enough to fight those.Although she is in a hurry to go out, having the power of self-protection is what she needs most at present.

However, when Qiao Weiguan was ready to pick mixed Yuanguo to quench her body, she keenly felt a peeping look.

She narrowed her eyes dangerously, and Qiao Weiguan covered the whole space in front of her.

She has successfully contracted this space, and everything is under her control.

It was a pity that she came here wearing a book. First, she fought hard with the exotic soul, and then received too many memory information, which greatly affected the soul.

And because of the integration with the original owner, although the body recovered from the injury, it was still too weak to bear the strength of her spirit.

Originally, she needed to rest quickly, adjust, and then quench her body.

But the danger was around her and she had to keep going.

But now she always feels uneasy about being peeped. Even in space, she really doesn't dare to be careless.

Can there be different hearts under her eyes in space, especially simple?

Struggling with the danger that the soul may be injured again, Qiao Weiguan used her control of the whole space to scan this not too big space with her divine sense.

Soon, Qiao Weiguan found something different.

With a fierce look in her eyes, her divine knowledge turned into a big palm. Although Qiao Weiguan's divine soul injury was getting worse because of this operation, she still endured and caught the little flying insect hidden in the grass at once.

Suddenly imprisoned by the raid, the little flying bug struggled violently.

And what made it afraid was that it was the woman's divine consciousness that found and caught it!

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