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Chapter 246 Three or two solved

In another villa, min Yanxiu also hid his figure.

Looking at everything dirty in front of him, min Yanxiu's look was still so cold.

If it weren't for Wan'er, what would he do here?

However, thinking of Wan'er's close forehead and white and clean earlobes when he just discussed this with him, min Yanxiu's eyes couldn't help becoming gentle.

Looking up again at those dirty and disgusting activities, min Yanxiu frowned impatiently.

When will all this crap end here?It seems that he should make more efforts to find bailifeng and solve it as soon as possible, so that they can return to Xiuzhen mainland as soon as possible.

Now, my brother-in-law has begun to repair the truth. They don't have to stay in this position. They can leave at any time.

Fortunately, in this case, he doesn't have to wait any longer.

As long as they return to the Xiuzhen continent, Wan'er's cultivation will be better improved. Then, the time for them to officially form a Taoist couple is getting closer and closer.

Only when thinking about these things, min Yanxiu felt better.

However, at present, he'd better solve the trouble here as soon as possible, so as not to worry Wan'er.

Glancing around coldly, I saw that the old people here were basically drugged and those who didn't die had begun to mutate.

These drugs are too insidious, and the old man's body has long decayed. With such drugs, even if the antidote can be found, it is basically impossible to live.

In this regard, min Yanxiu can't help it.

After catching up with this plane, under the influence of Wan'er, min Yanxiu found that his own heart was much softer.

If he had put it in the past, he would not have looked at such a thing more.

However, now he is rare, with a little more pity and emotion.

Well, since these people have become monsters, death may be their best destination.

After all, if these people can wake up and know that they have become monsters or are about to be controlled to do dirty and disgusting things, I'm afraid many of them can't stand it.

In that case, he gave them a good time and saved them the trouble of follow-up.

Having made up his mind, min Yanxiu did not hesitate any more.

As soon as his right hand was lifted, min Yanxiu instantly inspired a space to come out and trap all the researchers and monsters here unknowingly.

After wrapping these things up, min Yanxiu clenched his right hand and saw that the space he released was compressed at a very fast speed. When those people and monsters were shocked to disbelief, the whole space was compressed to a very small extent. Together with those people and monsters inside, they were all compressed into scum and died no longer.

Soon, the villa on this floor became empty and left nothing.

Looking at all this indifferently, min Yanxiu walked slowly to the basement.

There was no need to open the exit. Min Yanxiu launched the space attack again, and immediately shrouded all the monsters inside.

With another effort, min Yanxiu easily crushed these monsters into slag.

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