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Chapter 61: Tragedy

Leaving Qiao Pingyi asleep on the grass, Qiao Weiwan led min Yanxiu and began to visit the space.

Qiao Pingyi left on the grass:.....

Outside, at dawn, the fog slowly dispersed.

It was not until the sun first rose that the people who had been in a coma gradually woke up.

Xu Zilan was the first to wake up.

Holding hands, she sat up, blinked, shook her head, and Xu Zilan's consciousness came back.

Thinking of the fog that suddenly rose last night and her sudden coma, Xu Zilan's face changed.

First, she looked down and saw that her clothes were in good condition. Xu Zilan was secretly relieved.

Thinking of something, Xu Zilan looked around.

There seems to be a few people missing from their team.

However, this is not the most important thing.When she saw Ye Tianchen still sleeping, Xu Zilan's eyes suddenly straightened.

At this time, ye Tianchen is still handsome, but less alienated in the past. He is very quiet, but more charming.

At the thought of Ye Tianchen's identity, Xu Zilan's eyes flashed, ready to stand up, and put her hand on the zipper behind her skirt. Her eyes flashed crazy.

But before Xu Zilan stood up, ye Tianchen, not far away, frowned and uncomfortably opened his eyes. The coldness in his eyes was as sharp as substance.

Seeing that ye Tianchen woke up, Xu Zilan was very unwilling to stop moving, continued to sit on the ground, took back her hand and pretended to be awake.

On the other side, ye Tianchen's eyes moved, immediately turned over and glanced around quickly.

Although most people are still in a coma, the players in his team are two people less.

Such a change made Ye Tianchen frown again.

The fog last night was so strange that ye Tianchen couldn't help feeling uneasy.

Stabilizing his body, ye Tianchen quickly explored around.

All the way, ye Tianchen just looked at Xu Zilan and looked away directly.

It doesn't matter if people are fine.

However, when ye Tianchen came to the entrance of the bridge, the scene in front of him stunned him and turned into anger.

In a large pit not far away, several bodies lay down in terrible condition.

Some were brutally torn to pieces, most of their bodies were bitten off and died of bleeding, and some were directly sucked dry and became a skeleton

What monster did such a cruel killing?

What was hidden in the fog last night?

Ye Tianchen, who has always claimed to be a genius, found for the first time that he was also very limited.

At this time, Zhang Yuefeng, who woke up, also came over. Seeing this scene, his face was also very ugly.

This time, Zhang Yuefeng didn't even have the idea of fighting with Ye Tianchen to win.

After all, some members of their team died in the big pit.

Then ouyangbo also came here, with the same gloomy face.

Before long, everyone in the bridge woke up.

After a while, everyone got up and walked to Ye Tianchen.

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