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Chapter 211: Not attracted?

Outside the security base of City C, the Ye family team with full harvest finally came back.

Although it is an extraordinary period, those who go out and return still need to go through a series of tests and closed observation. Even ye Tianchen, Xu Zilan and others are no exception.

Qiao Weiwan, who received the news, was not surprised.

The reunion of men and women will always bring many benefits.

At least, there should be a qualitative leap in the relationship between men and women.

However, what Qiao Weiwan was curious about was what happened after Xu Zilan was taken away by a zombie or handed over to bailifeng?

Or has Xu Zilan become a pawn in bailifeng's hand?

After all, this aspect is not simple from the beginning. The so-called daughter of destiny, the pride of heaven, the great victory of the apocalyptic war, the overthrow and reconstruction of the base, and so on, are developing step by step in the direction of the complete destruction of the array.

Even, in the end, the combination of men and women and the son of God's choice to reach the peak are deliberately arranged by man.

It is for this reason that Qiao Weiwan doubts whether Xu Zilan has changed.

Because of this doubt, Qiao Weiwan asked Xiao Feifei to stare at Xu Zilan secretly to see if there was any abnormal performance.

After Xiao Feifei left, Zhang Yuefeng came to visit without accident.

After knowing the details of Zhang Jia, Qiao Weiwan had less prejudice against Zhang Yuefeng.

This time, she received Zhang Yuefeng in the living room of the small villa with min Yanxiu.

Seeing min Yanxiu, Zhang Yuefeng just glanced at it and felt the shudder from his soul.

No way, min Yanxiu just let out a little momentum. Zhang Yuefeng has been able to sensitively sense it, and he is more awed of Min Yanxiu.

Such a momentum is really too profound and unpredictable, so that Zhang Yuefeng can't raise other thoughts at all.

Fortunately, Qiao Weiwan gently held min Yanxiu's hand. Min Yanxiu turned his head and smiled gently at Qiao Weiwan, so he completely restrained his momentum.

At this time, Zhang Yuefeng felt light all over.

Zhang Yuefeng said to Qiao Weiwan, "Captain Qiao, after I went back to discuss with my father about what happened yesterday, I still feel inappropriate. I came here today to talk to captain Qiao. Zhang Jia is willing to obey captain Qiao's arrangement and obey captain Qiao's orders."

Slightly picked his eyebrows. Qiao Weiwan was a little surprised. Zhang Yuefeng went straight to the point and said his words so straight and white.

Looking at Zhang Yuefeng, Qiao Weiwan smiled slightly and said, "Captain Zhang, are you sincere?"

Although he knows about inheriting the mission, Qiao Weiwan will not show it.

After listening to Qiao Weiwan's unexpected words, Zhang Yuefeng nodded very seriously, which should be said: "yes, I came with sincerity, Captain Qiao."

At this time, min Yanxiu suddenly opened his mouth lazily: "is it because of the inheritance mission and the ancestral training?"

These secrets were said by min Yanxiu, and Zhang Yuefeng was slightly stunned.

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