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Chapter 96: He...

Looking directly at Ling Minggang, Feng Rencheng was more angry when he saw that the other party didn't hide or flash. Instead, he looked back at him with a smile.

The index finger of his right hand knocked impatiently on the table. Feng Rencheng, with a cold face, snorted directly and said, "Don't think I won't know your secret activities!"

After Feng Rencheng said this, Ling Minggang's face remained unchanged. He just helped the glasses on the bridge of his nose again, smiled and continued: "Sir Feng, why are you so ugly? In order to fight against zombies, the Institute has provided a lot of drugs and weapons, which Sir Feng will never forget?"

As for the secret affairs, it's good for everyone to know. There's no need to really tear your face.

In this regard, Ling Minggang is still very confident.

Sure enough, as Ling Minggang expected, Feng Rencheng's face became more ugly after hearing this, but there was a kind of suffocation and depression that he couldn't vent.

Yes, they really need the Institute to provide all kinds of drugs and weapons, which plays an extremely important role in dealing with zombies.

It is also because of this that the leaders acquiesced in some dirty activities of the Institute.

After all, being able to fight zombies and even eliminate zombies is the most important thing at present.

In the view of some people above, it is worthwhile to sacrifice some people who have committed heinous crimes or who do not matter for this so-called "great righteousness".

But in Feng Rencheng's opinion, there is no distinction between high and low in human life.

It is true that when fighting zombies, powers have more significant advantages than ordinary people, and ordinary people are likely to become a drag and burden.

But will this end of the world continue?

If zombies are eliminated in the future, but ordinary people are also disappeared, will there be hope for mankind?

It is also for this reason that the security base in C City, which is in charge of Feng Rencheng, is still very friendly to ordinary people.

After all, although the end of the world has not come for a long time, in terms of the birth rate of newborns, ordinary people have a very obvious advantage over powers.

Perhaps, while God has given powers the ability, the strength of breeding offspring is given to ordinary people.

Although it is not so obvious for the time being, it is indeed a lot harder for a power person to conceive children than an ordinary person.

The problems that have just emerged have not attracted much attention, but Feng Rencheng has noticed.

The outbreak of the end of the world has made human survival more difficult. All kinds of natural and man-made disasters have led to a sharp decline in the number of people.

Everyone's life is extremely precious.

Feng Rencheng can't rest assured that he wants to make sacrifices.

Powerless to close his eyes, Feng Rencheng leaned back in his chair, feeling a lot bleak.

After a while, Feng Rencheng raised his hand slightly, waved and motioned Ling Minggang to go away.

This also means that Feng Rencheng has to give in.

But he still couldn't do it if he had to say it himself.

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