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Chapter 251 Schadenfreude

After a rest, both of them were hungry, but they couldn't find anything to eat, so they had to continue to go to the place explained by the master.

The distance was not too far. Soon, they came to the dilapidated and gloomy crematorium.

Seeing the environment here, ye Tianchen's heart tightened again.

Thinking of the master's means, what else does Ye Tianchen not understand now?

Those rumors are actually true.

The so-called big devil should be his master.

But looking at the master's cruel and cruel means, can a normal person do it?

Moreover, destroying the array column of the security base in City C has always been the purpose of the master.

Now, they really did

And here, he is also involved.

Thinking of the rumored consequences, ye Tianchen clenched his fist again, but soon loosened it.

He came to see the master, but he didn't want to be found out so soon.

With the master's means, he is far from an opponent.

When he walked in all the way, he could not help shaking when he looked at the increasingly depressed, decadent and gloomy environment here. Rao was a well-informed Ye Tianchen who boasted of excellent psychological quality.

The atmosphere here really made him very uncomfortable.

In fact, when they came to the door of the crematorium, bailifeng inside had noticed it.

However, at this time, his situation is really bad.

He was seriously injured by min Yanxiu. After stabilizing his injury a little, he backfired because the contract of magic planting Datura was forcibly erased, making his injury worse again

At this moment, he managed to sort out the evil Qi on his body.

However, the injury at the meridians can not be completely repaired in such a simple way.

At this time, he needs more magic Qi sources to better repair his injury.

But in this plane, the magic Qi and aura are very thin, almost none. What can he do?

The magic stones he stole have been used up. If they are really used up, he has no way to replenish the magic stones.

However, he thought of another way, that is to forcibly plunder each other's accomplishments and blood gas through cultivation, so as to help him recover from his injury

But this method is not so practical.

After all, in this position, there are only four or five women or men who can meet his cultivation conditions, and Qiao Weiwan and min Yanxiu can't be easily obtained by him to complete the plunder.

However, when I found Xu Zilan and ye Tianchen who came here, bailifeng narrowed his eyes.

Although it's not so ideal, it's better than nothing.

If we don't think of some ways as soon as possible, when those two people kill and don't say to fight back, I'm afraid he will even run for his life.

The corners of his mouth made a cold arc, and bailifeng sneered coldly

Do you really think that he has no intention of transferring other people's Qi to Xu Zilan and ye Tianchen?

It's just a pity that Xu Zilan and ye Tianchen, the two tool people he places high hopes on, really let him down.

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