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Chapter 76: The Swelling and Swelling

Time is in practice and passing quickly.

When Qiao Weiwan woke up again, he had successfully stepped into the second layer of Qi training and laid a solid foundation.

Raised his hand and looked at the increasingly white skin, Qiao Weiwan smiled.

With a gentle grip of his hands, Qiao Weiwan felt more vigorous and abundant strength than before, and lifted the corners of his lips with satisfaction.

Although it is still not enough to see, it is always good to make progress.

After glancing at the jade antiques that had absorbed the aura on the side, Qiao Weiwan was relieved that they had become a little darker, but had not had a great impact on the overall quality.

Even if these things are not worth money now, what about the future?

If you keep these, you will always be useful.

Since these things didn't have much problem and couldn't be used for the time being, Qiao Weiwan took a storage bag, put them away and prepared to put them in the warehouse later.

Standing up, Qiao Weiwan left the practice room and first came to Jubao Pavilion.

Sure enough, the prohibition inside was opened a little more, and more things came out.

Similarly, the prohibitions in the alchemy room, forging room and symbol making room have also been opened.

After walking around, Qiao Weiwan had picked up some of the talismans and elixirs she needed and received them as storage rings.

In the forging room, Qiao Weiwan also helped his brother Qiao Pingyi find a good weapon.

It's a Tang Dao similar to an ordinary tool. It's light and sharp. It's suitable for my brother to protect himself.

As for other weapons of treasure and spirit, his younger brother Qiao Pingyi was unable to cultivate spiritual power, which was not applicable. Qiao Weiwan didn't choose.

After choosing Tang Dao, Qiao Weiwan took another look in the space, then flashed away and returned to the villa.

After looking at the time, she practiced in the space this time, but it was only one night before and after, and did not attract the attention of others.

After checking the array plate, Qiao Weiwan found that there was no temptation or attack. Then he put the array plate away and lay down in bed to have a rest.

The night of the security base is still quiet.

The security base has not been built for a long time. The power network and other supporting facilities have not completely kept up for the time being.

Without electricity and the Internet, nightlife is less fun, and more people choose to sleep or do something they like to do to pass the time and consume energy.

It was already two or three o'clock in the morning, and almost everyone was asleep.

Without the noise of the city, without the sound of insects and animals, this night was a little frightening.

But is silence a kind of safety?

There is no threat of zombies at any time. Most people are relatively safe in the security base.

After listening quietly for a while, Qiao Weiwan took a deep breath, closed his eyes and fell asleep slowly.

When the morning light spilled into the villa, Qiao Weiwan lying in the master bedroom, his long eyelashes trembled.

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