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Chapter 231: Quickly kill

Looking at the tragedy of the safety base in city D, Tan Yunjie and others couldn't help thinking of the accident in the safety base in City C, and their faces were very dignified.

At this time, facing the dense zombies, the people didn't need to give orders. They immediately divided into groups according to the three and began to take action.

Everyone's actual combat experience is very good. You can easily deal with zombies below level 3 with a few big moves that cooperate with each other.

However, there are many third-order, fourth-order and even fifth order zombies here, which is difficult to deal with.

On the side, Yin hagiyue, who had vomited blood and fainted in the past, and the charm who was seriously injured, basically lost his combat effectiveness.

He should always protect Yin Qiyue. Naturally, he can't spare his hands and feet.

When Tan Yunjie and others came here, he roughly handled Yin hagie's injury and was preparing to take Yin hagie away.

Although it is a wind power and moves fast enough, it is faster and more convenient than Yin hagiyue's space jump.

In desperation, he could only pick up Yin hagiyue, who was in a coma, and just wanted to run away before Qiao Weiwan and min Yanxiu arrived.

At this moment, seeing those powers brought by a space power, he didn't want to deal with them at all.

What's more, after a while, Qiao Weiwan and min Yanxiu came here in a flash.

At this time, he couldn't care about anything else. He hurried away with Yin Hagi Yue in his arms. He didn't even tell the monster about it.

Even, in order to speed up the speed, he even used the secret method, and the speed was improved a lot.

When Qiao Weiwan saw the fleeting figure, he was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the zombie named Yu is really infatuated and loyal to Yin hagiyue.

Because he was a little late, Qiao Weiwan didn't continue to shoot.

Anyway, Yin hagiyue has been seriously injured, even to the root. If he wants to recover, he won't be so fast unless he swallows it or uses the secret method of bailifeng.

As long as there is no zombie of Yin hagiyue's spatial variation, it is basically impossible for other zombies to attack quietly.

With a sigh of relief, Qiao Weiwan could focus on the rampant zombie in the security base of D city.

However, when Qiao Weiwan glanced quickly, he found the monster lying on the ground and motionless.

Seeing that it looked like a hybrid monster, and his body was full of scales, Qiao Weiwan suddenly remembered that this should be the reagent developed by situ Youcheng of the Research Institute.

Moreover, according to intelligence, it should be Ling Minggang.

This man knows the Institute best and hates it most.

Wouldn't it be easier for Ling Minggang to deal with the Institute himself?

At that moment, Qiao Weiwan made up his mind.

However, Qiao Weiwan gave a cold hum when he saw the two five step zombies around Ling Minggang who were ready to prick Ling Minggang.

With a gentle wave of his left hand, he attacked with a powerful fireball and quickly ran to the two fifth order zombies.

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