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Chapter 236: Xiao Feifei's Crisis

Since bailifeng saw the difference of Qiao Weiwan, he naturally kept his mind when he started.

How can a practitioner who can absorb magic Qi without being hurt have no backhand?

Therefore, bailifeng chose the magic gasification whip to better test Qiao Weiwan.

Moreover, in bailifeng's view, since Qiao Weiwan stood still and didn't use a lot of spiritual power, it was obviously still digesting the tyrannical factor of evil Qi.

At this time, he should give the other party a fatal blow and leave no future trouble.

Sure enough, when he waved his whip, he saw Qiao Weiwan smashing a diamond amulet to stop the attack of the whip.

Seeing the Vajra talisman, bailifeng sneered with disdain. Before the Vajra talisman came into play, he quickly bypassed and continued to attack Qiao Weiwan.

Seeing that the Vajra talisman failed to stop the whip, Qiao Weiwan frowned and quickly smashed out a Vajra talisman.

However, the expected bailifeng still quickly bypassed and continued to attack Qiao Weiwan before the diamond Rune came into play.

Seeing this, Qiao Weiwan has noticed bailifeng's intention.

With a cold glance, Qiao Weiwan used an array plate around him, quickly excited with a spirit stone and protected himself.

At the same time, Qiao Weiwan smashed the thunder explosion symbol and threw it at the whip.

The whip of bailifeng is no longer as flexible as before because of the coercion of several Vajra amulets.

Seeing the thunder burst talisman, bailifeng didn't notice it for a moment. He thought it was just a simple defense Vajra talisman. He didn't pay much attention to it and wanted to do it again.

It was also due to bailifeng's negligence and his contempt for Qiao Weiwan that bailifeng realized that it was bad when the thunder burst symbol hit and burst violently.

However, it was too late for him to take back the evil spirit whip.

Because it was the magic gas whip controlled by bailifeng with divine consciousness, and Lei Lingli was the enemy of magic gas, bailifeng was also affected by such a bombing.

Fortunately, Baili was determined to serve. When he found that it was a thunder explosion symbol, he had quickly broken his contact with the magic gas whip.

Therefore, although bailifeng was also affected, it was not so serious.

With great interest, he recalled a bloodthirsty radian. Bailifeng coldly looked at Qiao Weiwan who was still motionless and snorted again.

The state of Qiao Weiwan at this time has been tested. Bailifeng also knows that Qiao Weiwan is not simple, and he doesn't want to leave this future trouble.

With a moving body, bailifeng quickly approached Qiao Weiwan and was ready to kill the nun quickly.

As for the array behind him, it may be min Yanxiu inside. Although bailifeng is a little afraid, he also knows that as long as he takes Qiao Weiwan, he will hold min Yanxiu's weakness.

At that time, taking Qiao Weiwan as a threat, even if he wants min Yanxiu to die, min Yanxiu will not refuse.

At the thought of being able to solve the two disasters, bailifeng had a few more madness in his eyes.

Noticing this, Qiao Weiwan's heart clicked.

This bailifeng is really fun!

However, the mixed spirit power in her body can completely assimilate those magic Qi as long as it takes a little more time. If it is cut off at this time, I'm afraid she will also be affected.

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