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Chapter 46: The Pig Who Arches The Cabbage Does Not Go The Plot

Outside, Xu Zilan seemed to feel a change, but she couldn't really hear it. It seemed to be her illusion, which made her frown.

However, seeing that the warehouse is ahead, as long as they can safely get the materials inside, receive her space and show her "space" power, their mission will be completed perfectly.

When she returns to the safe base, her status will definitely rise.

According to the information she learned, the space of the almost provided space power in the security base is only more than one square meter, which can only blame the storage of some important things, and it consumes power.

But her is different.

Since she stole the Pearl Bracelet from he Huanhuan, she has successfully opened the space, which has several square sizes, is convenient to access things, and does not consume powers. She doesn't know how many times higher than that space power.

Xu Zilan believes that after returning to the base and letting the people in charge of the base see the strength of her space, they will definitely look at her with new eyes.

At the thought of the glory that would come to her soon, Xu Zilan was in a good mood, and the corners of her mouth were slightly hooked up, giving her a moving look.

Such a change makes Ouyang Bo, who has been paying attention to Xu Zilan, jump quickly.

This is the woman he likes. It's really beautiful and different.

Now the second power, space power, has been activated, which is an extremely powerful supplement to his team, enough to make their team get more attention in the safe base.

At that time, their team will also get more benefits. For example, they will give a lot of preferential treatment in resource allocation.

Thinking about these, ouyangbo even plans to mention Xu Zilan to the position of vice captain after this task is completed and returning to the security base.

Today, Xu Zilan is more than enough to sit in the position of vice captain.

As for the rest of the team, it is also complicated to admire, envy, honor, or numbness.

At the same time, Qiao Pingyi, who had been sleeping for a long time, finally woke up and turned around.

In a trance, Qiao Pingyi blinked his eyes several times, which dispersed the serious acidity for several minutes.

Looking up, Qiao Pingyi was stunned to see that he was surprised to look at his sister.

Qiao Pingyi's consciousness came back when he felt that he was soaking in the water.

Qiao Pingyi can clearly feel his difference now, but he doesn't understand or believe it.

Is that what it's like to have powers?

I wanted to ask my sister, but Qiao Pingyi saw her sister put her finger on her lips and motioned him not to speak. Qiao Pingyi swallowed what she said.

However, Qiao Pingyi realized that there was a strange man in the room.

For a moment, Qiao Pingyi looked at the man carefully, and a sense of discomfort welled up in his heart.

This man wants to arch his sister's tender cabbage?

He looks good, but he can barely get by, but Qiao Pingyi is not sure whether he can be good to his sister.

But because of the current situation, Qiao Pingyi couldn't ask directly.

And min Yanxiu, of course, noticed that his brother-in-law was a little hostile

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