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Chapter 71: Item 0071

After looking at more than a dozen raw stones for a long time, Qiao Weiwan looked at the old man and asked, "Boss, how do you sell these raw stones?"

Hearing Qiao Weiwan's question, the old man looked up and looked at Qiao Weiwan, as if to determine whether what the little girl said was true or false.

After seeing Qiao Weiwan's serious face and not teasing him, the old man asked, "Little girl, are you sure you want to buy these raw stones?"

A little girl, do you really know the original stone?

The old man still has some doubts about this.

Hearing the old man's question, Qiao Weiwan nodded and said again, "Yes, these are very pleasing to the eye. If you buy them back and try to open them, you may be able to open jadeite."

But when Qiao Weiwan said so, the old man shook his head and said with some laughter, "Little girl, this original stone is not very useful now. Are you sure you want to buy it?"

After looking at Qiao Weiwan again, the old man frowned slightly and then said, "Little girl, although you are a power, you still need to use the materials and crystal cores collected in more urgent places. You should think carefully about buying these raw stones, so as not to regret when they are out of date and make trouble with the old man."

The other party is a power. How can he cope with an unhappy person who comes to find fault?

He just wanted to get some food and medicine back. He didn't want to cause trouble.

Knowing the old man's kindness, Qiao Weiwan's attitude slowed down a little, smiled and replied, "Boss, I really want to buy it. Don't worry, as long as your price is reasonable, I'll buy it all for you."

Looking at Qiao Weiwan all the time, I saw that she was really not joking, and the old man's face became a lot more serious.

After putting down the book, the old man glanced at the original stones and antiques on the stall and said, "Well, little girl, I don't really need these things right now. Since I met the little girl today, you and I are destined, let's give some food and medicine."

Hearing this, Qiao Weiwan was a little surprised.

Could it be that someone around the old man was injured and ill?

Thinking of this, Qiao Weiwan then asked, "Wife, you have to make it clear. You sold me these raw stones. What medicine do you want to change?"

Drugs are also in short supply before they can resume production. If they are used a little less, they must be of the kind, and the price is not low.

If the old man wants to exchange these things for medicine, it depends on whether Qiao Weiwan has inventory and whether it is cost-effective.

From Qiao Weiwan's tone, the old man recognized that there was a play and immediately moved his heart.

After thinking for a while, the old man said, "If I can, I want to exchange Jiuxin Pill and insulin injection."

No way. His wife suffers from heart disease and diabetes. If he is short of medicine, he may lose his life at any time.

When I met this little girl today, the old man also held the idea of trying, hoping to really find these drugs to alleviate his wife's illness and pain.

Qiao Weiwan has really collected some of these drugs.

Looking at the old man's expectant eyes, Qiao Weiwan did not hesitate and nodded directly.

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