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Chapter 126: Item 0126

On the same night, in the ruins area, Ye's team was racing rapidly, trying to avoid the zombies chasing behind.

At the front of the team is a refitted heavy-duty off-road vehicle with a high chassis. In the car is captain Ye Tianchen, Xu Zilan and Zhuge Wei.

Zhuge Wei is a second-order fire power. He is mainly responsible for cleaning up the zombies blocking the road in front.

At this time, ye Tianchen's faces were very bad.

Everything was going well when they came to the ruins area to collect materials, but they were distracted by the discovery of a top-grade energy stone.

Although the energy stone was finally obtained by Xu Zilan, it also angered the advanced third-order spiritual zombie.

During the meeting, several people were injured in the team, including vice captain Hu Peifeng, Bai Yuping, Dai Qiang and Chen Yihan.

These four are all important combat forces in the team.

All were seriously injured by mental zombies, resulting in a sharp decline in the strength of the team and had to choose to avoid the edge.

Fortunately, ye Tianchen's strength was strong enough and his luck was excellent. He was able to attack with ice, temporarily stopped the third-order Zombie's continuous attack, and won a chance for them to escape.

However, there are so many zombies around, which has brought great trouble to their evacuation.

While getting on the bus, Shao Yibo and Song Zhen were injured.

These two men are the wood powers in the team, and Shao Yibo is responsible for healing the injury.

Injured at this time, the wounded of the team can't get timely wood power treatment.

Even if the wound is treated, the internal injury is not controlled, and several people will be in danger of life at any time.

Because the task this time was more dangerous, ye Tianchen didn't let his two sisters come together. Unexpectedly, it became a hidden danger.

Ye Jiujiu is a rare light power and is the chief therapist of their team.

This did not come, but it also plunged the whole team into a greater crisis.

Thinking of this, ye Tianchen was very upset.

His carelessness caused such a serious problem.

If a team member dies because of this injury, he bears unshirkable responsibility.

Fortunately, Xu Zilan took out some emergency medicine from the space, which helped a little and made Ye Tianchen feel a little better.

The members of the team also changed their impression of Xu Zilan.

At this time, a huge zombie suddenly appeared in front of the road, blocking their way.

Seeing this, ye Tianchen had to brake urgently, so he didn't send the car directly to the other party's attack range.

But this huge zombie is not easy to provoke. It is still a second-order one, which makes Ye Tianchen's face as black as ink.

Affected by Ye Tianchen's car, other vehicles in the rear had to brake urgently.

Fortunately, they were very vigilant, so they didn't cause a car accident

.When they noticed the huge zombie in front of them, they also thought about retreating, but in the back, a huge zombie also appeared, blocking their retreat.

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