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Chapter 111: Formations

Outside, the sun was extremely fierce.

The zombies in the outpatient room are greedily and crazily coveting the resettlement team who are sweating because of the heat and exuding a strong smell of living people.

If it weren't for the poisonous sunshine, I'm afraid these zombies would rush out directly.

The glass door in front of the outpatient room has long been smashed and the glass is broken.

Stepping up the steps and looking at those ugly and greedy zombies, an Yu's face remained unchanged. He gathered powers in his hands. A gold needle made of gold series powers attacked the heads of those zombies rapidly.

Soon, the sound of gold needles entering the meat sounded. Some zombies were hit in the eyes, some in the temples, and some in the mouth.

Those small gold needles were powerful and accurate. In an instant, they killed a large number of zombies in the front row.

However, this precise mass destruction move consumes most of an Yu's powers and spiritual power.

Opened the way for the team. After opening the gap, an Yu had to stop and go forward by Anze and Zeng Yifan in the back.

He needs a break and adjustment before he can fight again.

In the back, looking at the big brother's hard work like this, anli'er was a little distressed.

Fortunately, the members of the resettlement team are enough to trust, and will not be what moth an Yu is at this time.

Of course, although an Yu made a big move, he still kept his strength and would not completely rely on others for his safety outside.

Even the members of the team have no problem with loyalty, but what if they lose their sneak attack? Or do people from other forces take the opportunity?

It is to guard against these, an Yu will not let himself completely collapse and lose his ability to protect himself.

After an Yu stopped, Hu Buxuan immediately came forward and input a gentle wood power for an Yu to help an Yu quickly adjust his physical condition.

Other team members, after deliberately protecting the team leader an Yu in the middle, began to deal with the dense headache and nausea zombies in the outpatient room.

With the gap opened by an Yu, Anze's palm condensed several small fireballs and hit the zombie who rushed at them.

Unlike the golden power, the fire power is the bane of zombies.

As soon as the open fire came out, a zombie retreated in fear.

But because there are too many zombies here, they are crowded with each other, some are impatient to come forward, some are timid and afraid to retreat, which has caused chaos in this area.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Anze's fireball quickly attacked the past.

Moreover, Anze is very tricky to select the places where the zombies are most dense to attack. This small fireball with thick fire power just touched the broken clothes or flammable hair left on the zombies and immediately burned.

The rising of fire made those zombies more afraid and confused.

Instead, more zombies were ignited and the chaos expanded.

Seeing this, Anze no longer continued to attack, but took Zeng Yifan, Sha Zheng and Gao Yueyue together, built a fire wall around the team with fire power, isolated the attack of the zombies, and walked towards the side pharmacy.

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