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Chapter 16: Item 0016

Seeing the prey trying to escape, the second-order zombie was very angry, even when he roared.

But suddenly, the second-order zombie hiding behind the zombie group suddenly felt a fear from the depths of the soul, making it almost want to run away.

And this second-order zombie did.

Under the cover of the loss of a large number of first-order zombies, the second-order zombies are hidden in the zombie group and dare not take any more action.

Because of this, it also gives he kaize a chance to escape.

He kaize and others could not think much about how they could escape from the zombie encirclement so smoothly. They just thought that it was Ye Tianchen's arrival and made great efforts, so that the zombies could no longer surround the encirclement.

Therefore, they are very grateful to the Ye family team.

Especially Xu Zilan, watching her long admired Ye Tianchen bring someone to save them, her heart beat faster for several minutes.

But she looked a little embarrassed now, and the danger was not completely relieved, so she didn't want to go forward and get familiar.

Anyway, they are all in the security base. Now with this life-saving grace, there will only be more and more contacts in the future.

As for the moment, she had to leave the ruins and go back to see what kind of treasure he Huanhuan's pearl bracelet was.

She had a hunch that this pearl bracelet would bring her a great surprise.

However, Ye Tianchen, sitting in the SUV, did not expect things to go so smoothly.

These first-order zombies can surround people in a planned way, and almost caught these people. Obviously, there is a second-order zombie under the suppression and command.

But after they arrived for so long, they also killed so many first-order zombies, but they didn't see the trace of the second-order zombie, nor were they attacked by the spirit of the second-order zombie. It's really strange.

However, noticing the people's gratitude to him, Ye Tianchen lowered his eyes, temporarily put aside these doubts, frankly accepted these gratitude, and asked people to arrange them to get on the bus and leave the ruins area quickly.

These people, able to escape the lost siege and interception, still have a few potential until now.

It would be a good help if we could get together in the team and work together for the Ye family.

In particular, the wind power and the water power brightened his eyes.

Temporarily help these people return to the safe base, and he can take the opportunity to test it.

With such a good thing, he kaize and them are not hypocritical.

When they came, the car had been damaged and couldn't drive at all.

If they were allowed to walk back to the base, the distance would still be a little far, not to mention the zombies that may appear from time to time. The road is not safe.

Therefore, he kaize and ouyangbo got on the bus without hesitation, and Ye Tianchen took them back to the safety base.

Only by saving their lives can they think about the future.

As for the kindness of the Ye family, they have to weigh it well and repay it again.

Soon, several off-road vehicles roared out of the street, leaving behind the uncontrolled first-order zombies still chasing slowly.

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