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Chapter 152: Shaky

Zhang Yuefeng, who received the news, looked very dignified.

Just a moment later, Zhang Yuefeng showed a sneer.

Ye Tianchen and Xu Zilan are together. Just for the so-called space power, did ye Tianchen really move his heart?

Tut Tut, this is really surprising.

When ye Tianchen, who is like an ice cube, falls for a woman, he breaks off his engagement with an Li'er for Xu Zilan?

However, I don't know what means Ye Tianchen has used to settle down and an Li'er has accepted the dissolution of the engagement so calmly.

But it is precisely because of this that Zhang Yuefeng is curious about the inside story here.

For Xu Zilan, he lost the help of settling down. This ye family and ye Tiancheng, what medicine is sold in the gourd?

Unable to understand for a moment, Zhang Yuefeng simply walked out of his house and wandered around the security base.

Of course, for Xu Zilan, Zhang Yuefeng actually doesn't have much favor.

Originally, Zhang Yuefeng thought that Xu Zilan would be different from other women in the end of the world. She was a self-reliance and principled woman.

But I didn't expect that Xu Zilan was just like that. It really disappointed Zhang Yuefeng.

Walking aimlessly, Zhang Yuefeng happened to pass by the hospital, but he saw a lively scene.

There, there seemed to be a dispute between Lu Hong in Huang Phil's team and the sisters Chen Yuying and Chen Yuyan.

Thinking of the news, Zhang Yuefeng picked his eyebrows and came closer. He was just listening there with the help of a low wall.

At this time, Chen Yuying was already very angry and scolded angrily: "LU Hong, don't think what you do yourself is unknown to others! For a man, you should be cruel to Ruoxi!"

However, compared with Chen Yuying's anger, LU Hong still looked pale and weak. Her eyes were wet with tears, but she forbeared not to fall. On the contrary, it made people more distressed. She just wanted to hold it in her hands, hold it in her arms and love it ruthlessly.

Unfortunately, such a style is useful for men, but for Chen Yuying, a hot straight woman, she doesn't eat it at all. On the contrary, it has increasingly angered Chen Yuying.

Her eyes became scarlet with anger, and Chen Yuying's heart fluctuated violently, He continued to scold: "is that how you seduced that man? Ah, you can hook up with him. That's your ability. But what's wrong with Ruoxi? It's just that you were looked at more by that man. You just ignored the team friendship and plotted Ruoxi! LU Hong, can you still be a person?"

Being scolded by Chen Yuying like this, LU Hong bit her lips with a shaky look of pain.

Just because of rumors and Chen Yuying's words, people around them were uncertain about who was right and who was wrong.

Seeing that the onlookers were not good at eating melons, LU Hong secretly scolded, but he had to suck his nose. His face turned pale again and began to defend himself.

Shaking her head weakly, LU Hong choked and said, "No. I didn't want to attack Ruoxi. It was an accident and I didn't want to. At that time, I was exhausted and out of strength. I wanted to hold on, but I was hit by a power impact, which led to the deviation of the water column. I, I really don't want to harm people, i"

Speaking of this, LU Hong shook her body, as if she was wronged and wanted to faint.

But the tears couldn't fall, and the lips bit a little blood mark tightly. It was completely stubborn and painful. In the end, it still aroused the sympathy of the male powers around.

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