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Chapter 156: I want to make calculations

The body was in great pain and there were faint signs of tearing, but Lu Hong still had to respond skillfully.

She doesn't dare to provoke Tang Mingzhen again.

Otherwise, I'm afraid she will really die here and in Tang Mingzhen's hands.

Even if she wants to sell her teammates again, she can only do it.

She wants to live. She has more things to do. How can she die so cowardly.

However, thinking of the Datura pollen and the mysterious master, LU Hong only felt powerless.

She always felt that if she went on like this, she would completely degenerate.

Looking at LU Hong's frightened and cowardly appearance, Tang Mingzhen couldn't help but hook up.

Women are cute only when they are obedient.

But when she thought of another woman, Xu Zilan, who played with the members of their team, Tang Mingzhen suddenly had another idea.

If you give that woman to the master, with the attraction of that woman to men, I don't know if the master will be happy?

Thinking of this, Tang Mingzhen couldn't sit still. He was ready to tell the master about it and strive to make meritorious contributions in exchange for greater benefits.

But he knows that the Lord has many treasures. As long as the Lord gives him a little, it is absolutely enough for him to walk sideways in this last world.

At that time, did he want anything?

Those who once despised him have to bow down at his feet and beg for mercy.

As long as he thought of this possibility, Tang Mingzhen's blood was boiling, and the crazy color in his eyes became more and more rich.

This dangerous and strange Tang Mingzhen frightened LU Hong again and had to curl up a little to avoid being abused by Tang Mingzhen again.

However, Tang Mingzhen ignored LU Hong and left directly.

Until then, LU Hong could secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

Her life was saved for the time being.

However, how should she deal with Tang Mingzhen and get rid of Tang Mingzhen's manipulation?

There seems to be little hope for this.Thinking of this, LU Hong's face became decadent again.

Seeing that it was getting late, LU Hong had to support her aching and weak body, clean herself up and rush back to the villa.

The effect should be almost. If she doesn't go back and is found, I'm afraid she won't be able to stay in the team.

It was not until the surroundings were quiet again that a small flying insect slowly climbed out of a fallen leaf in front of the window.

Spit in disgust, xiaofeifei said to himself contemptuously: "bah, such a small weapon, such a short time, dare to come out to harm women, really think it's powerful! Sure enough, the devil's men are useless waste!"

However, thinking of the two people's investigation of the immortal, it seems that the demon Xiu is suspicious, and xiaofeifei is still worried.

The immortal's strength hasn't been restored, and the man surnamed min hasn't come back. What should I do if he is found out by magic repair?

I can't. Let Daxian give xiaopingyi income space to avoid?

Hey, how can a man surnamed min leave at this time?

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