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Chapter 181: Zombie Siege

C City security base, so many people disappeared, the news could not be concealed at all.

Wang zhoukai took over the task of saving people and soon set out with a lot of guards.

In order to save the missing people, the Ye family, Anjia, Zhangjia and other big families and forces quickly sent rescue teams to the vicinity of the ruins area.

Such a move, all of a sudden, made the security base lose most of its strong combat power.

Looking at some empty security bases, Feng Rencheng's eyebrows have been frowning, vaguely uneasy.

In this way, if someone or a zombie takes the opportunity to sneak attack, can the security base be held?

Because so many people are missing, Feng Rencheng knows some inside information, but he can't reveal anything, so he has to stay in the office all the time.

However, at this time, he was not in the mood to work. Instead, he stood in front of the windowsill and looked at the dark night.

The whole thing reveals a lot of unusual things.

Feng Rencheng also doubted whether his superiors supported the Institute so much that even so many elite could just get up.

But he was used to obeying orders. Even if he no longer liked the Institute, he didn't mean to disobey the leader.

Wang zhoukai always acted strangely. Feng Rencheng also had some doubts, but he finally chose the default.

Now that Wang zhoukai has left with others, Feng Rencheng can calm down and recall the whole thing again.

He always felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't find it.

Because Feng Rencheng knows the temperament of the Yang family, he has no doubt about Wang zhoukai, let alone go to the bottom.

But while Feng Rencheng was still thinking, the light of several powers broke out in the security base.

The noise was so loud that many people were awakened.

Suddenly, screams, cries for help, explosions and all kinds of miscellaneous sounds made the whole security base chaotic.

Seeing this scene, Feng Rencheng's pupils suddenly contracted and immediately shouted to the outside: "guard, what's the matter outside?"

Before anyone came in, the alarm of the security base sounded, and the chaos was expanding.

Regardless of anything else, Feng Rencheng jumped down directly from the windowsill of the office, used the soil column to reduce the distance from the ground and quickly reduce the height of the soil column. Soon, Feng Rencheng came to the ground.

This movement also made the guards in the office building quickly assemble and gather in the open space in front of Feng Rencheng.

His uneasiness was rising rapidly. Feng Rencheng looked at the guard and immediately ordered: "go and have a look."

With that, Feng Rencheng took the lead and strode out.

And the guards quickly followed.

It's no small matter. It's definitely not a simple danger that can cause such chaos in the security base.

This is indeed the case.

In several places of the security base, many zombies appeared out of thin air, and launched a fierce attack directly against the powers and ordinary people.

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