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Chapter 206: The reunion

Knowing that it was a trap, ye Tianchen and Zhuge Wei were absorbed in looking for the exit.

Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, they still got nothing and continued to circle here.

At this time, the sound of rubbing stiff things suddenly came from the originally calm surroundings.

All the members of the team were on alert. Before long, they saw a dense group of zombies

This situation makes all the team members feel numb.

Ye Tianchen was in a bad mood. When he saw the zombies, he immediately clenched his hands. Outside several cars, the ice spread quickly and successfully stopped the steps of the zombies.

Moreover, ye Tianchen didn't restrain his attack. The zombies walking in the front began with their feet and covered with ice until they frozen the whole zombie and became ice sculptures.

With Ye Tianchen's hands suddenly loosened, the ice sculptures exploded one by one, and the zombies inside were torn apart.

The other members of the team were not idle.

Zhuge Wei's fire system, ye Jiujiu's light system, Li siran's water system

All kinds of attacks were sent out quickly and fiercely, so that those zombies fell a lot at once.

But there are too many zombies.

The front fell down and the back stepped on it directly to move forward.

In addition, some mutant zombies began to attack them.

At this time, the crisis on Ye Tianchen's side has increased sharply.

Looking at this scene, ye Tianchen frowned and increased the output of power again, expanding the defense circle of the team and preventing those zombies from approaching easily.

But even so, their power reserves are limited after all. When they are constantly replenished, they can't stand such a large-scale output.

Soon, there was some lack of follow-up here.

But the zombies surrounding them are still pouring in.

In contrast, ye Tianchen had to look for a new way to break through.

Fortunately, as the zombies approached, dense drops of water fell from the sky, penetrated into the bodies of these zombies, expanded and exploded again.

With just a few attacks, more than half of the fearsome zombies were lost.

Finally, ye Tianchen opened an exit. No matter whether it was a trap or not, he quickly contacted the team members behind him and ran away as soon as possible.

Behind him, the zombie was still chasing, but before the breach was closed, all the cars of Ye Tianchen's team safely left the surrounding circle of the zombie and quickly evacuated with a high chassis SUV in front.

When passing through a small ditch, the off-road vehicle in front directly hit the guardrail on the side, but it didn't fall into the water as expected, but disappeared in front of us.

Followed by Ye Tianchen and Zhuge Wei, they looked at each other very quickly and knew clearly that that was the exit of the trap.

Without hesitation, Zhuge Wei drove the car and hit it.Other vehicles in the rear follow suit and follow the off-road vehicle.

In front of them, it was dark. After the space distortion, they drove a long distance. Ye Tianchen and others appeared in a field they had just arrived.

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