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Chapter 241: Coping

When the array column of the security base in City C was destroyed, an invisible light soon darkened.

Together, the surrounding air has become more and more depressing and frightening.

But all this made bailifeng happy to receive the changes imprisoned in him.

Today, he was injured by min Yanxiu and is worried about his recovery.

Unexpectedly, Xu Zilan really didn't disappoint him. She just gave Datura help. She really controlled the whole security base and successfully destroyed the array column.

This woman is indeed the daughter of destiny. Once she wants to do something, she can't do it.

Feeling that the power to suppress himself is fading rapidly, bailifeng calms down and starts to run the formula to recover his strength quickly, so as to find min Yanxiu to avenge today.

At the same time, Qiao Weiwan and min Yanxiu, who are on their way back, are keenly aware of the changes in this plane.

Looking up at the gray sky, I saw that it was more gloomy and depressed than before, and there seemed to be a sense of collapse and destruction in it.

At the same time, there are more and more tyrannical factors in the air, which makes people feel palpitation and uncomfortable inexplicably.

Thinking of something, Qiao Weiwan and min Yanxiu looked at each other and saw the dignity in each other's eyes.

I didn't expect that the security base in City C, which they thought was safe, changed in this short time, and the array column was completely destroyed.

I don't know what happened in the security base, but since it happened like this, they rushed back for fear that they would be ambushed by the other party.

Aware of this, Qiao Weiwan and min Yanxiu immediately accelerated their speed, took Qiao Pingyi and quickly caught up with Tan Yunjie and others in front.

After successfully stopping the people, Qiao Weiwan asked them to rest in place first.

At this time, Zhang Yuefeng, an Yu and others received news from the family that Zhang Yuanying and an Zhikang were both detained by Feng Rencheng and Xu Zilan, the security base changed suddenly, and the array column was destroyed by the guard.

Upon receiving the news, Zhang Yuefeng and an Yu were unbelievable.

After all, they all heard Feng Rencheng's performance before he was unconscious.

How could a person who cares about the array pillar send a guard to destroy the array pillar as soon as he wakes up?

Moreover, how can there be Xu Zilan here?

Qiao Weiwan and min Yanxiu, who also received the news, were also silent

It seems that they did it too carelessly.

Although the transmission array has been left, what they didn't expect is that Xu Zilan could control Feng Rencheng in such a short time and destroy the array column through Feng Rencheng's hand.

When he left the security base in C City, Qiao Weiwan had a backhand, but he still missed a Feng Rencheng.

Now, Feng Rencheng stands on the opposite side, with a convoy in control of the whole security base, which is the most troublesome.

However, these people really think that if she and min Yanxiu dare to take people away from the security base, they really don't have a back hand?

An accident is an accident, but it's still under control.

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