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Chapter 226: The different Lu Yi

Sitting in the car, watching Xiaoyi's performance become more and more calm, Qiao Weiwan nodded gently.

At this time, min Yanxiu also turned his head and said, "Wan'er, Xiaoyi has made great progress and is enough to be alone. You don't need to worry about everything like before. Wan'er, if we want to give Xiaoyi room to continue to grow, we have to start learning to let go."

This is very reasonable. Of course, it would be better if the eyes could be firm and not dodge.

Knowing what min Yanxiu thought, Qiao Weiwan smiled gently and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Then he said, "brother Xiu, I understand your mind. Xiaoyi will grow up, have people he cares about, have his own family and his own life. I've been there to interfere more."

After a pause, Qiao Weiwan continued: "Brother Xiu, you are my companion for the rest of my life. I have embarked on the fairyland again. In the future, we will have a long and long time to be together. When Xiaoyi grows up and can be truly independent, I will arrange everything here and we will go back to Xiuzhen mainland. There, I will work hard to cultivate and catch up with you as soon as possible The pace, together carefree fairyland. "

Qiao Weiwan still couldn't bear to let brother Xiu spend time with him in this position.

However, she can be said to be reborn, and it is impossible to let her own brother go.

If her brother didn't have spiritual roots and couldn't repair the truth, she still wanted to take her brother to Xiuzhen mainland as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, nothing is as cruel as this reality.

My brother has no spiritual roots and has a limited life. She can only try to arrange all this.

If you leave at that time, you won't worry too much in your heart.

Listening to Qiao Weiwan's words, min Yanxiu smiled gently.

Immediately, min Yanxiu had an extra stone emitting dazzling light in his hand.

Seeing this scene, even Qiao Weiwan was stunned.

This, this stone, is actually a light spiritual stone, which can help mortals shape spiritual roots.

With this living spirit stone, she can help her brother shape the spirit root and embark on the fairyland together.

Well, it's perfectly possible to take my brother back to Xiuzhen mainland.

Looking at Wan'er's stunned and surprised appearance, min Yanxiu's mouth rippled with a spoiled radian, He said: "I got this spiritual stone of light spiritual root by chance when I was in Thunder Mountain. When I came back, I ignored it. Now it's good. With Xiaoyi's intelligence, if I can step into the fairyland, it's a very rare light spiritual root, and my future achievements will never be low."

Listening to min Yanxiu's words, Qiao Weiwan raised her head and misted in her eyes.

She knew that it was a coincidence, but such a rare treasure could not be easily obtained.

This man is really willing to pay anything for her.

Holding brother Xiu, Qiao Weiwan buried his head in his chest. His voice unconsciously took a nasal sound and said movingly, "brother Xiu, it's very kind of you!"

Feeling Wan'er's tenderness, min Yanxiu reached out to touch her hair and said gently, "Wan'er, I will be better to you."

He nodded in Min Yanxiu's arms. Qiao Weiwan didn't get up until he recovered a little calmness and looked at her brother Xiu, He said gently, "brother Xiu, after we have solved the problem of the security base in D city this time, I will tell Xiaoyi that he will decide how to choose. If I can, I want to solve the crisis of this position as soon as possible and solve bailifeng. The three of us will go back to Xiuzhen mainland together."

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