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Chapter 201: Join the team

Taking back Lu Yi's sight, Qiao Weiwan looked at Bing Lisheng, raised her eyebrows and asked, "why?"

Bing Lisheng heard Qiao Weiwan's question and replied angrily: "Miss Qiao, the last time a zombie besieged the city, I was lucky to see the picture of Miss Duan fighting the zombie leader. I was deeply shocked. Therefore, when I heard that Miss Qiao wanted to form a team, I thought I would come and join quickly. I just hope that Miss Qiao doesn't dislike my ability."

Thinking of Qiao Weiwan's strong strength, Bing Lisheng is still a little guilty.

After all, his strength can't even compare with Miss Qiao's brother. If you join the team, don't be a drag.

For Bing Lisheng, Qiao Weiwan still saw the sincerity in his eyes and had a good impression of this man.

When she wants to form a team, she naturally wants to pick some people with reliable character.

With the improvement of her strength, she has a way to help.

However, if the character is not good, no matter how strong the strength is, I'm afraid it can't bring better help to the team.

With Bing Lisheng's sincerity, Qiao Weiwan has a plan to accept him.

Smiling at Bing Lisheng, Qiao Weiwan suddenly asked, "are you sure you want to join my team?"

After listening to Qiao Weiwan's words, Bing Lisheng knew that there was a play, quickly nodded and answered Qiao Weiwan's words: "Captain Qiao, of course really I want to join!"

Of course, after seeing Qiao Weiwan let go, Bing Lisheng didn't forget his silent friend Lu Yi.

After pulling Lu Yi, Bing Lisheng introduced Qiao Weiwan: "Captain, this is my good friend Lu Yi. I think the captain already knows. Captain, Yizi also wants to join the team. I don't know if the captain can agree? "

From Miss Qiao at the beginning to captain Qiao later, Bing Lisheng is really good at climbing up the pole.

However, for this person, Qiao Weiwan still feels good.

He is a little impatient, but he will not be rash and impulsive, and will not only care about himself. He is a good combat power.

As for Lu Yi, the space power, although Qiao Weiwan is not so rare, it is also a good choice to have a clear cover.

She's high-profile enough, but she still needs to pay more attention to her brother.

However, if Lu Yi joins the team, she will also face the suspicion of several other families, which needs to be measured.

Seeing Qiao Weiwan meditating, Lu Yi finally said, "Captain Qiao, don't worry. I didn't belong to other forces before. I'm just a member of the security base. If there is a need here, I'll follow the instructions of officer Feng and help out with the task. Now I apply to join captain Qiao's team, there won't be much trouble."

At least, on the bright side, it looks like this.

After listening to Lu Yi's words, Qiao Weiwan looked at him again, smiled and asked, "I know that Mr. Lu is very popular in the security base. I just don't know why Mr. Lu chose to join my team? It's because of your friend?"

Indeed, in addition to her team, Lu Yi's choice of big forces such as ye Jia and Zhang Jia will also be welcomed.

Although there was some speculation, Qiao Weiwan also wanted to make things clear so as not to cause trouble in the future.

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