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Chapter 161: A good show

On the other side, Qiao Weiwan covered his body with an invisibility symbol, used his body method to hurry on his way, and soon came to the area of HuangFei team.

However, when she got here, there was a good play on.

Chen Yuying and Chen Yuyan were really jealous of LU Hong because they were confused by LU Hong at the security base.

In addition, song Ruoxi had a good relationship with them. Now Song Ruoxi has been secretly murdered by LU Hong. They also want to avenge song Ruoxi.

Moreover, LU Hong, Huang Feier and Liu Yao also have a lot of dissatisfaction.

The situation at that time was full of doubts. In addition, Tang Mingzhen's accidental intervention made LU Hong a little more suspicious.

However, before they could investigate the matter clearly, they received the notice of the task. They could only come out with the team members, including Zhao Sisi, who had just recovered from serious injury.

Well, when I came outside, other team members were disgusted with LU Hong and refused to join her. Finally, Ouyang Xue was alone and had to form a team with LU Hong.

While it was still early, Huang Phil asked everyone to spread out in groups and touch the situation around.

After leaving with Ouyang Bing, LU Hong has been trying to leave so as to get in touch with Tang Mingzhen and pass the news to the master.

Although LU Hong didn't investigate Qiao Weiwan when he was in the security base, LU Hong heard some news about Qiao Weiwan because of the relationship between captain Huang Phil and Zhao Sisi.

Just like the last fog incident, it was Qiao Weiwan who happened to save Zhao Si.

Because he had been loyal to the Lord, LU Hong also knew a lot about the fog that time.

The timing was too coincidental for Qiao Weiwan and Qiao Pingyi's sister and brother's ability to stimulate at that time, as well as the emergence of Min Yanxiu.

Coupled with the incident in zhangjiazhen, LU Hong felt that Qiao Weiwan was not simple.

Just in time, min Yanxiu went out to do a task and was not with Qiao Weiwan. It was a good time to start.LU Hong is trying to get in touch with Tang Mingzhen. They discuss a plan together so that they can secretly take Qiao Weiwan down and send him directly to the master, which is also good for meritorious service.

At this moment, because Ouyang Xue was nearby, LU Hong didn't dare to act rashly.

Unlike the sisters song Ruoxi and Chen Yuyan and Chen Yuying, Ouyang Xue's strength is much stronger than her, and it's hard to fool. LU Hong doesn't want to arouse Ouyang Xue's suspicion.

However, she didn't want to provoke Ouyang Xue, but Ouyang Xue didn't want to let her go.

After walking for a while, Ouyang Xue suddenly stopped, turned around, looked coldly at LU Hong and directly asked, "that time, did you mean it?"

The sudden change of Ouyang Xue's attitude surprised LU Hong.

Sure enough, when Ouyang Xue asked, LU Hong had determined that Ouyang Xue wanted to find fault.

Of course, LU Hong would not admit that.

With surprise in her eyes, LU Hong asked incredulously, "Ouyang, even you have to doubt me?"

With that, LU Hong's eyes turned red and wanted to cry. If any other man saw it, he would have pity.

However, this is of no use to Ouyang Xue.

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