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Chapter 136: Settle Home

In an's study, an Yu, an Ze, and an Li'er are discussing business with their father, an Zhikang, the owner of an's family.

After listening to what an Yu said about zhangjiazhen, an Zhikang fell into silence.

There are all kinds of mysteries in zhangjiazhen.

With the strength of their three teams, they were almost trapped in zhangjiazhen and couldn't get out, which was difficult to deal with.

However, hearing that Qiao Weiwan took them away from zhangjiazhen, an Zhikang couldn't help frowning.L

ooking at an Yu, an Zhikang directly asked, "Boss, does Qiao Weiwan you said have a good relationship with min Yanxiu? Moreover, she has a brother who is an optical power?"

For Qiao Weiwan, an Zhikang is a little impressed, but more is min Yanxiu and Qiao Pingyi.

Qiao Weiwan, that is, she paid a little attention.

After all, if you want to win over min Yanxiu and Qiao Pingyi, Qiao Weiwan is a key link in it.

According to his observation, both min Yanxiu and Qiao Pingyi cherish Qiao Weiwan very much.

Once it is recognized by Qiao Weiwan, min Yanxiu and Qiao Pingyi will also be recognized.

What's more, Qiao Weiwan's ability is not bad.

Before inspiring his powers, Qiao Weiwan was just an ordinary person, but he still looked everywhere for tasks within his power to do, in order to earn more points, exchange food and feed himself and his brother.

After activating the fire power, Qiao Weiwan's strength has not been clearly demonstrated, but it must be increasing.

Now, even an Yu and an Ze can't see through the real strength of Qiao Weiwan, so Qiao Weiwan is obviously not simple.

However, after hearing that an Yu tried to test Qiao Weiwan, an Zhikang frowned again, looked at Anze and directly asked, "Second, do you not like Qiao Weiwan and think she dared to be so bold by relying on min Yanxiu's potential?"

The second Anze is more impatient and has a higher vision, which is not a good phenomenon.

If such factors lead to offending Qiao Weiwan, then the price is too high.

Women, in the eyes of an Zhikang, are small-minded and difficult to offend.

Anze's temptation was too reckless.

Hearing his father's question, Anze was stunned, but shook his head and replied, "Dad, even if I have such an idea, I won't show it directly to Qiao Weiwan."

On this point, an Zhikang actually recognizes Anze and doesn't want Anze to disappoint him on this point.

Slightly lowered his eyes, Anze continued: "Dad, don't you think it's a little strange? Qiao Weiwan, a female power, showed only the first level, but dared to break into zhangjiazhen alone and was found an exit by her. It's really unreasonable."

After looking at Anze, an Zhikang asked, "So, is that how you tested Qiao Weiwan?"

Recalling the practice at that time, Anze now feels that he is indeed a little impatient and thoughtless.

However, he did not regret doing so, even if the consequences were lucky for him.

Nodded, Anze then replied, "Dad, I admit that there was something wrong at that time. However, Qiao Weiwan was really not simple. He was not angered by it and didn't expose other cards."

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