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Chapter 106: Item 0106

As Zhang Yuefeng expected, an Li'er did give ye Tianchen a chance when she left.

However, Zhang Yuefeng's interruption made Ye Tianchen not catch up in time. Instead, he took Xu Zilan to the cafe opposite to talk about things.

At this moment, anli'er calmed down and understood.

Of course, for Zhang Yuefeng, an Li'er also has no good feelings.

But what ye Tianchen did made anli'er understand that she was really not so important in Ye Tianchen's mind.

With a self deprecating smile, anli'er left directly from the corner of the street.

Just now, she received the news that the team will start soon. This can be regarded as giving them some time to calm down. She also has to think about the relationship with Ye Tianchen.

Zhang Yuefeng, who walked out of the shop, noticed that an Li'er really left and accidentally picked his eyebrow.

Things are getting more and more interesting.

I don't know whether ye Tianchen understands what he really wants and needs?

Ann Li'er is not the one who will wait in place. This time, the difference is likely to lead to the separation of the two.

This is what Zhang Yuefeng hopes to see.

Zhang Yuefeng was in a good mood. He came to the café and continued to block Ye Tianchen.

At this time, in a corner of the café, ye Tianchen and Xu Zilan sat down face to face.

Because of an Li'er's affair and Zhang Yuefeng's deliberate embarrassment, ye Tianchen was a little upset.

Even if a little annoyed that anli'er didn't give face and didn't understand his original intention, ye Tianchen was still a little uneasy about anli'er's departure.

It's not that they care most about their engagement. At least they grew up together. Ye Tianchen is still worried that an Li'er will bring her emotions to the task.

At that time, if there is any accident, it will be bad.

However, he also has to solve the matter of Xu Zilan as soon as possible.

It's rare that Xu Zilan deliberately softened her kindness and took the initiative to come to the door to talk. Ye Tianchen also wants to see Xu Zilan's final decision.

After all, Xu Zilan is also the target of many forces in the security base. If she can join the Ye family team, it will be an excellent supplement to the whole Ye family team.

After stirring the coffee in front of me with a spoon, ye Tianchen asked in a somewhat alienated voice, "Miss Xu, you said you have made a decision, so you want to give me a satisfactory answer?"

Having coffee with Ye Tianchen and looking at Ye Tianchen's calm demeanor, Xu Zilan's heart couldn't help pounding.

Thinking of the contradiction between Ye Tianchen and an Li'er just now, Xu Zilan was a little lucky.

Looking up, Xu Zilan smiled. She was gentle and considerate. Her move was always easy to get the favor of others.

When seeing ye Tianchen's impatience at the corners of his mouth, Xu Zilan moved her eyes slightly and said softly, "Captain ye, I've thought about it. The conditions captain ye said that day are really attractive. I accept your invitation to join the Ye family team."

Although it was a little cheaper, ouyangbo was impatient. She could only find a good source for herself as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if there is a conflict with ouyangbo in the team, it is estimated that she will suffer.

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