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Chapter 171: Men in Black 

In the battle, no one knows whether it will be safe after a battle.

Therefore, it is naturally the safest way to retain some strength.

Qiao Pingyi learned this very well.

He got up from the ground and patted the water stains on his body. Qiao Pingyi trotted to the ice zombie and skillfully dug out the crystal core.

Looking at the crystal core with cold white luster, Qiao Pingyi's small face showed a big smile.

Standing up, Qiao Pingyi ran happily to his sister Qiao Weiwan, raised the cleaned crystal core to Qiao Weiwan, and said happily, "here, sister, here is this crystal core for you."

Looking at his younger brother's happy look, Qiao Weiwan took out a handkerchief, gently wiped the dirt on his face, smiled and said, "Xiaoyi, this time he has made great progress. My sister is very happy and proud of you."

Yes, compared with the hurry a few days ago, Qiao Pingyi can calm down when dealing with zombies, and use his short, sensitive and fast advantages to deal with some powerful zombies.

Such progress really surprised and pleased Qiao Weiwan.

At least, his younger brother Qiao Pingyi won't have much problem dealing with zombies of level 2 and below.

Enjoying his sister wiping his face, Qiao Pingyi narrowed his eyes comfortably, but the hand holding the crystal core still didn't take it back.

Seeing this, Qiao Weiwan stopped his action, took the crystal core, hooked up the corners of his mouth, and said gently, "Xiaoyi, my sister likes this crystal core very much."

Just because my sister suddenly stopped and opened her eyes, Qiao Pingyi immediately smiled happily when she heard her sister's words and said, "sister, I'll find you more beautiful crystal nuclei in the future, as long as my sister likes it."

Now, he finally has a little strength to realize what he said at the beginning.

Qiao Weiwan didn't hurt his brother's confidence, but smiled, nodded and said, "well, my sister will wait for Xiaoyi's gift in the future."

After a pause, Qiao Weiwan turned and said, "Xiao Yi, when dealing with zombies, you should be careful and careful anyway. You can't get hurt easily. You should do what you can, you know? Otherwise, your sister doesn't like the crystal core you sent."

Qiao Weiwan was also worried. His brother was hot at the moment, so he rushed to challenge the high-level zombie, which would be bad.

Therefore, when necessary, she still had to give more instructions.

Knowing that his sister cared about himself, Qiao Pingyi nodded seriously and said, "sister, I remember, I won't try to be brave and fool around, and I won't let my sister down and worry."

Seeing his brother's promise, Qiao Weiwan nodded and continued to wipe his face.

In the night, under the moonlight, two figures appear very warm in the decadent street, which makes the cold night a little more warm


On the other hand, the task of Ye's team was completed smoothly.

During the inspection and exploration in this area, the zombies were directly killed without much trouble.

Even under the joint efforts of Ye Tianchen and Xu Zilan, they solved several giant zombies.

It is for this reason that Xu Zilan's position in the team is constantly rising.

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