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Chapter 176: Arresting People

With these words, the woman jumped down from the window and disappeared into the darkness.

Until the woman's breath completely disappeared, Wang zhoukai seemed to be alive and collapsed directly to the ground.

No way, that woman is actually a zombie or a high-level zombie.

I don't know why, several zombies suddenly soared to the high level, and their strength is extremely strong and domineering.

However, these zombies seem to be afraid of something. They dare not come out to kill and eat people so brazenly.

But there are exceptions.

For example, he.

This time, he did follow the above instructions and came to the security base of C City at great risk, in order to take an unusual woman back to the city.

The people above didn't tell him clearly, but it seems to be related to a rumor and the trend of the whole eschatology.

However, before he reached C City, he was surrounded by zombies.

At that time, all his guards were disposed of by the zombie, leaving him alone.

Among those zombies, the woman who just died was also their leader.

What Wang zhoukai didn't expect was that the woman hijacked his wife and children from the city and brought them to him for him to see.

Forced, Wang zhoukai had to give in and let the woman send him.

Of course, the advantage is to get a large number of crystal nuclei, which makes him rich directly.

Under all kinds of threats, inducements and sugar coated shells, he really sold himself to the woman.

I don't know how the woman did it, so I let him smell some powder. He was in a trance and couldn't stand to resist the woman.

However, having seen the means of women, he is also afraid of this woman from his bones.

The task he received was to continue to cajole Feng Rencheng so that the security base would not detect the woman's intention.

At the beginning, Wang zhoukai was a little impatient, but when the woman came, he could no longer have any rebellious psychology and did it completely according to the woman's requirements.

Fortunately, the current contact is very inconvenient, but it still allows him to take advantage of the loophole, and things are going well

Next, let's look at the zombies and how the research institute cooperates.

Taking a deep breath, Wang zhoukai stood up from the floor holding the chair, weakly moved to the bedside and fell down.

This betrays mankind and loses his conscience. After he does it, he will always suffer.

Although it sounds very hypocritical and cowardly, he really feels empty and uncomfortable


On the other hand, after jumping from the windowsill, the women moved and dodged, made use of the space to jump, and directly left the safety base of C city without worrying about the inspection and defense here.

Looking back, I saw the security base of C City, which was strictly guarded after my lower body, and the corners of the woman's mouth aroused a touch of ridicule.

I believe it won't be long before she can take her men and take the security base directly.

At that time, those inside, whether powers or ordinary people, will all become fat sheep they keep and can enjoy them at any time.

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