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"Barry, be careful! We don't know what this meta is capable of!" Iris said through the communications

"Don't worry Iris! I'll be careful!"

"I hope so! And hurry up, your daughter is waiting for you! " Iris said rubbing her belly

"I can't wait for her to be born ... Do you think she'll be like the other Nora?" Barry said

"I hope so ... but she won't be the same ..."

"It does not matter! She will always be our daughter Nora and this time she will grow up with both parents! " Barry said, remembering his missing daughter

After Nora's disappearance they had never given up hope of seeing her again, the fact that Godspeed, Nora's enemy, was still around helped them believe they would have the family they wanted so much ... Then when Iris got pregnant with a girl, they were finally sure they could achieve happiness ...

"Barry, can you hear me?" Caitlin asked through communications

"Sorry Cait! I was thinking about Nora ... What happens? "

"It happens that you took the wrong road!" Iris said

"I am sorry!" Barry said changing direction, heading for a wood 50km from town

"What do you see?" Iris asked

"Nothing ... what did the sensors detect?"

"According to what the sensors say, a strange breach has opened in the space-time Continuum"

"Thanks!" Barry said

"There are! Where exactly did it happen?"

"About 150 meters west of your position, a small clearing in the trees" Caitlin said through communications

"Okay" Barry said looking around.

His attention was immediately caught by the strange burns in the lawn: two continuous parallel lines that started from a circular burn at the edge of the forest.
Barry followed the two lines of burnt grass, they led to a small cliff, about 4 meters deep, went down and what he found in front of him left him speechless ...
on the ground among the rocks was Nora, his daughter.
Her hair was scorched and so were her clothes... she was very different from their last meeting... especially in the way she dressed: she was wearing her dark purple leather jacket, but underneath she was wearing a smart blouse instead of the usual T-shirt, and velvet pants instead of her usual ripped jeans...

"Barry what's going on?" Iris asked

"Nora ..."


"Nora is here! She's here on the ground unconscious! She has several burns and cuts, but they show no signs of healing ... "

"Bring her here now! I'll take care of her! " Caitlin said

"Wait..." Barry said, noticing more burns on the lawn "Someone else must be with her!"

"Be careful! He could be responsible for what happened to Nora! " Iris said

Barry headed into the bushes expecting to find an enemy, but what he found left him speechless: there was a 5-year-old girl on the ground, she was crying silently, she had several cuts all over her body and her dress was scorched just like Nora's

"Barry, is everything ok?" Iris asked

"No, there is a little girl here ... I think she is 5 years old ... she too is injured!" Barry said

"Bring them here, I can take care of her too!" Caitlin said, walking towards the infirmary

"Thanks Cait," Barry said as he run back into the Cortex with Nora and the little girl in his arms


This was an old fanfiction idea, I got it during Season 7, before Nora returned and Bart's character was introduced ... so the character doesn't exist.

Let me know what you think of this chapter and if you are interested in reading the full story

When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now