I thought it was your fault, mom

438 17 4

"The Central City court ... there was a Bomb ... in the courtroom where Iris West's case was taking place ..."


"Calm down ... she's in the hospital and no one blames you ..."

"Go outside ... I have to do something ..." Nora said, pushing her out and closing the door.

"MIA ..." Nora called

"We heard everything ..." Mia said, approaching, along with Lillian, still unable to realize what had happened

"I don't think I can run or drive to the hospital ... Can you drive?"

"Of course..."

Central City Hospital, VIP floor

"Do you feel OK?" Mia asked the two sisters as soon as they got out of the elevator

"Reserve question?" Nora said, trying to lighten the situation

"How do you behave like this when our mother is in the hospital! She is dying for a terrorist attack! A bomb! I can't believe you're joking about such a thing! " Lilian cried, unable to hold back her tears

"I'm sorry ... it's my way of reacting when I don't know how to deal with something ... I would like to say that I understand what you're feeling, but I can't ..."

"How can you say you don't know? She's your mother too! "

"My biological mother ... We never met ... I spent half an hour with her ... I don't feel what you feel ... I can't"

"So why are you here? And don't say you wanted to accompany me! "

"I'm here to understand what happened to her"

"You are here as a cop and not as a daughter?!?!"

"Lilian!" Mia yelled, stepping between her and Nora "Nora doesn't know what it means to be in your situation but I do ... So trust me when I tell you that you can't take your anger out on others!"

"Yes but..."

"I am not done! She is dealing with this whole situation in the only way she knows: the way of a detective who tries to solve the case and help the families of the victims! You can't blame her for this! "


"Hey, you three!" a police officer said, interrupting them "You can't stay here!"

"My mother is Iris West! And she is a detective and ... "

"Do you think I was born yesterday ?!" he said laughing "You can't fool me with these stupid talk! I've been a policeman for several years!"

"If you were, as you say, a policeman for many years, then you would know perfectly well who I am!" Nora said coldly as she adjusted her jacket

"Shut up and don't move!" the agent said pointing the gun at her

"Are you dying to lose your job?"

"And you want to die?" the agent said, before opening a radio channel "Agent Ferguson here, there are three suspected armed people near the elevator in the east wing of the VIP floor"

"Armed? This is fun! " Nora said, laughing

"Who do you think you are!" shouted the agent, approaching her pointing the gun at her head, furious because Nora had remained impassive all the time

"Agent Ferguson! What the hell is going on here! " Said two detectives approaching

"Give me a hand! This suspect is armed! "

When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now