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"What did you call me?" Caitlin asked in surprise


"Nora, stop making fun of me!"


"You know Nora, I thought you were a good person! Instead here you are ... ready to make fun of me and my feelings!"

"What are you talking about?"

"For your father I lost the chance to be a mother! You know it well and you are doing it on purpose just to make me suffer!"

"I'm not kidding you! You took care of me and Becky! You and my father got married ... you adopted me when I was 2 years old ..."

"Nora, stop it! Go away!"

"No! You are my mother and I will not leave you alone!"

"I'm not your mother Iris is your mother!"

"Iris West is not my mother! She may have given me life, but you read me stories before I fell asleep and tucked me in! You reassured me if I had nightmares! You accompanied me to my first day of school! You took care of me! YOU are my real mother!"

"I'm not your mother! I don't want to steal your family!" Catlin said crying

"Mom... "

"Nora for the umpteenth time, stop making fun of me !!"

"I can prove it to you!"


"That I am your daughter!" Nora said taking her badge from her pocket and handing it to Caitlin

"Are you a police officer?"

"Detective ... Lieutenant Detective ... I don't have my new badge yet, but ... I didn't mean that! Read my name"

"Detective Nora ... Snow-Allen ?!"

"What do you say now?" Nora asked smiling

"I'm furious!"

"Fantastic ... wait What?" Nora asked, perplexed by Caitlin's answer

"How long have you been thinking of pulling this joke on me? Since I admitted that I have feelings for your father?"

"It's not a joke! You are my mother! You legally adopted me when I was 2! And when I was 5 I even took your surname! "

"Why did you change your surname only after 5 years?" Caitlin asked sarcastically

"You never told me why ... I always found it strange ... I think it was because you didn't want Becky and I to have different surnames, so you left Allen to both of them"

"What has changed after 5 years?"

"I have no idea..."

"Stop lying"

"I'm not lying to you mom!"

"Even if I believed you, Iris is alive and well! I could never adopt you! So stop making me think you're stealing Iris's family! "

""It's not stealing if you take what Iris never wanted! It's not theft if you take care of something that someone else has thrown away like waste!" Nora snapped

"What you mean?"

"Iris... she gave up all legal rights over me six months after my birth! When I convinced dad to tell me about her ... he said she never rocked me ... she never even saw me ... "

"Nora.... I... sorry... I didn't think... " Caitlin said hugging her

"You don't have to apologize to me ... You don't even have to console me ... it's no use ... I barely spoke to the Iris who wanted me ... it doesn't make me suffer ... I got over it a long time ago ..."

When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now