I knew it and I never told her anything ...

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"What's going on?" Barry and Frost asked Nora as she walked out of the Lunge

"Go to hell! Both!" Nora said, continuing to walk without even looking at them

"Nora wait!"

"Barry!" Frost said, holding him by the arm

"What's wrong with Frost?"

"Nora isn't the only one who has a problem," Forst said, pointing to Becky who was crying on the floor

"Can you find out what happens to her while I'm talking to Nora?"

"Maybe it's better if we do the opposite"

"What do you mean?"

"I think it's better that you talk to her"

"I don't think so ... with Nora I'm sure I can talk ... with Becky I'm not sure ... maybe she would be able to open up more with you"

"Barry, it could also be true, but I don't know Becky, I'm not sure I can relate to her ... On the other hand, Nora confided in me right away ..."

"I don't know where to start with Becky ..."

"Me neither! But you are her father ... then you are YOU! You start already with an advantage ... "

"Okay Auntie Frosty ... you take care of your goddaughter ..."

"Do not call me that!" Frost said with a chuckle

"You are her godmother, so ... you are Nora's auntie"

"Thanks, Barry!"


"Becky, honey ..." Barry said, approaching his daughter "Can I sit?"

She didn't answer, she continued to cry sitting on the floor, holding in her hands what to Barry looked like a rainbow metal box

"Honey... what happened," Barry said as he sat down next to her

Becky didn't answer this time either, she just leaned on Barry, who hugged her instantly

"Honey ... Do you want to talk about it?"

"I ruined everything!" she said between sobs

"What happened?"

"It was all my fault!"

"What you mean?"

"I knew it and I never told her anything ..."

"What you mean?"

"I can't tell you ... it would ruin everything!" Becky said, still crying

"Honey, you have to talk to someone about it ... you can't keep it all inside ... as for the timeline, we can think about it later"

"I can't risk ... anyway ... even in the future, it's not with you that I would talk about it ..."

"Who would you talk to? With Cait..lin "

"Yes ... probably ... but she is not the person I would like to do it with either ... The only person I would like to talk to ... she is not here ..."

"Honey ... if you want I can take you back to the future ... maybe ..."

"No!" Becky said, stopping crying "Take me to my grandmother! She's still alive right now! "

"What? You mean that Cecile is ... "

When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now