I created Gamma!

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A few hours later

The final plan was ready: Cisco and Chester had improved the anti-metahuman shells, tweaking them to work against range, now all they had to do was find her.

"Ok, we have everything we need ... except Gamma!" Cisco said in frustration

"Do we have any ideas to find it?" Joe asked

"Not really ..." Nora said

"Hon .., Nora, you arrested them, caught them in the future.... don't you have some more information? "

"Not much ... She's not even born yet ..."

"What about her parents?" Caitlin asked

"I have no idea ... she never wanted to talk to me ..."

"What do we know about her family at this time?" Cisco asked

"What if she wants to take revenge on her parents?" Allegra asked

"She shouldn't have any reason," Nora said

"What do we know?" Allegra said "She could be angry with them!"

"When she was arrested I brought up the argument ... she said she owes everything to them ..."

"Did they create her?" Allegra asked

"If you're referring to her powers then yeah ... at least that's what we thought ... we never got any confirmation from Gamma ...

Her parents had died in a fire in their laboratory so we never got any response "

"Nora ..." Cisco began "Why are you so specific?"

"I don't know what you mean ..."

"You said that all Gamma's parents did was create her powers ..."

"I'm specific because I created Gamma ... initially she wasn't bad ... but after her brother died she started serving grudges and pre-opening her revenge ... but she did it in silence, in order to be released for good behavior ... "

"Listen ... If she owes everything to her parents, maybe she went to them?" Caitlin said

"In the absence of other leads I'd say it's a good idea ..." Nora said, approaching a computer and starting to type

"Who are they?" Joe asked

"Doctor Mark and Doctor Meredith Gamma" said Nora, as their images appeared on the screens "Husband and wife, they are two researchers from Central City university! In 5 years they will become the greatest experts in meta-human biology in the world "

Central City university

Dr Gamma's laboratory

"Where is she?" Barry said, walking into the lab, along with Nora and Mia

"You will never know from me, where my daughter is!" said Dr. Gamma

"Your daughter is a killer!" Nora yelled

"You are the killers! You killed him! You killed my son! "

"The police just did their job!" Mia said "He took a detective's daughter hostage in the middle of a police station!"

"What do you know?"

"I was there!"

"Then you know very well how cruel they were against him!"

"Now speak! Where is she! " Mia screamed

"Finding herself in another time she had to change plans ... she skipped half of her plan ... daughter and partner will arrive later ... now it's the mother's turn!"

"Caitlin! Cait ... can you hear me? " Barry said, frightened through communications

"Mom!?" Nora yelled after several seconds of silence

"Nora ..." Frost said in a faint voice, through the communications "She kidnapped her"

"Where is your daughter!" Nora yelled, pushing Dr. Gamma to the wall

"What are you going to do, Kill me !? You need me alive if you want to find that woman still alive!"

"I need you to be able to speak!" Nora said starting to vibrate her right hand "I don't need you to have a working shoulder! You have one last chance "

"You do not fool me! You are heroes ... don't do these things! "

"I never wanted to be a superhero! If I'm here now it's just to fix a problem I've created! And I can assure you there's nothing that will stop me from doing that." Nora said, before hitting him in the shoulder with a simple super-speed punch, making him scream in pain

"What kind of hero are you!" he said as soon as Nora released him

"Where?" Barry said, stepping between him and Nora

"She is at the dock ..."

When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now