My side of the story

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"Wait, What?!?!" Barry and Joe shouted in chorus

"What's the problem?! I have a life! And I have a family! " Nora said firmly. "At least once it was like that ..." she whispered looking at Mia

“Ok… can you give me some explanations?” Barry asked

"About my daughter or Gamma's brother?"

"On both!" Joe said

Nora looked at Joe with an icy look and said “My private life in the future is about you of the future! While as for Gamma, I can't give you too many details grandpa! Not yet! So please leave us alone "

"You're scary ..." Joe said, startled by Nora's tone

"I know! Now please leave us alone! Going back in time with Gamma and Jessica I already messed up the timeline! I wish I could go back to MY time, not a new timeline where I do ridiculous work and everything is different! I like my life for what it is! "

"Okay ... I'll leave you alone," Joe said, more and more frightened by Nora's tone

"Thanks Grandpa!" Nora said, returning to her normal sweet voice

"Ok, now let's talk!" Barry said firmly

"I'll leave you alone ..." Mia said

"No ... you stay too!"

"What do you need?" Mia asked

"At least now, you have to hear my side of the story!" Nora said holding back her tears

“Okay… I'll listen to you! But don't think anything changes! "

"I expected it ... Where do you want me to start, Dad?"

"From the beginning!" Barry said impatiently "Starting with your last name!"

"Ah ... yes ... I can't tell you much ... you will understand in a short time ..."

"You said you'd tell me everything!"

"I didn't expect you to care more about my last name than the fact that I killed Gamma's brother!"

"It is precisely because I care more about the death of Gamma's brother that I am asking you to start with your surname!"
"Well ... I can't ... we'll talk about it in a few days ..."

"Okay ... but one thing, in the future ... Do I understand why you did it?"

"Yes ... you did ..." Nora said, looking at Mia

Flashback 2040 CCPD

drin drin drin

"Hello?" Nora whispered as she answered the phone

"Why are you whispering little sister?" Becky said into the phone
“Because I'm at work! I told you not to call me here! "

“Relax little sister! You are interim leader of the anti-metahuman squad! You don't have superiors complaining! "

“I'm not interim boss! I'm just more experienced in metahumans and the boss lets me lead the team while he's on vacation! also today there is Captain Olsen! He hates me and I'm sure he'll yell at me if he finds out I'm making a private phone call during work hours! "

"Don't overdo it little sister!"

"You realize they won't let me contact forensics because they say I'd waste time talking to dad!"

"He is just kidding! Do not worry!" Becky said laughing

"Anyway, why did you call me?"

"Ah yes ... what are you and Mia doing tonight?"

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