Time to tell the truth

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"Cait, wait!" Barry said chasing her out

"I can't, Barry!"

"Cait, please listen to me!"

"Barry ... you have to think about your daughter now ..."

"I'm so sorry for what I told you last night"

"What? What are you talking about Barry? "

"What are you talking about, Cait?"

"I think I didn't understand ... Why did you chase me out here?"

"I chased you out to apologize for what I told you ... what did you think?" Barry said as Caitlin blushed

"Oh... Okay..." Caitlin said before turning and heading to her car

"Wait Cait, what did you mean before? Has something happened to Nora? She's fine?"

"I wasn't talking about Nora, but about Becky ... a little while ago you asked me about Patty ... I didn't know what to say ..."

"What did you tell her?"

"Nothing ... I told her to wait for you ..."

"Thanks for doing it ..."

"It wasn't my job to tell him, but yours ..."

"Thanks Cait, for waiting for me to tell her about Patty ..."

"As I said, it wasn't my job ... Then I didn't know what to tell her ..."

"I don't know what to tell her either ... what should I do?"

"I don't know ... but you'll see that the words will come to you by themselves ... Just don't leave her alone ... I know what it means to lose a parent, we both know ..."

"I won't leave her alone ... I'm just afraid of not being able to take care of her and Nora ..."

"You'll be a great father, never doubt yourself," Caitlin said as they hugged

"Thanks Cait ..." Barry said, breaking the hug "Does this mean you forgive me?"

Those words shook Caitlin, in a way she didn't expect "You know, if you hadn't asked me, I probably would have done it!"

"But Cait ..."

"Listen to me Barry, think about your daughters first, then we'll talk about it" said Caitlin getting into the car, then leaving

A few minutes later

Barry and Becky were sitting on the sofa, it was now time for him to talk to his daughter about what had happened to Patty.

He had insisted on doing it alone, but he couldn't find the words ... he didn't know how to tell his 5 year old daughter that she would never see her mother again

"Dad ..." Becky said shyly "... please forgive me ..."

"Why are you apologizing? What should I forgive you? " Barry asked puzzled

"I called you dad ... and you never gave me permission to do so ... I'm so sorry ..."

"Honey..." Barry said hugging her "You don't have to ask me for permission! You are my daughter! ... and I love you like nothing else in this world! "

"So why weren't you with mom and me all these years? Why did I only meet you the other day? Didn't you want me? "

"Honey... it's not like that! You are my daughter and I love you ... Being away from you is the most terrible thing that has ever happened to me ... You have to know only one thing: I cannot change the past ... more or less ... but I can change the present and I never intend to leave you! "

"You really won't go away?"

"Becky, I promise you! I will not leave you!"

"Thank you dad ... Does this mean that you mom and I will be a family?"

At that exact moment he remembered why he was talking to Becky, while he was talking to her he had almost forgotten: he was imagining what his life could have been like if he had known he had a daughter ...

but those words, that question from Becky had brought him to the harsh reality: his daughter no longer had a mother.


in the kitchen

"Nora, how did it go with Mia and Jessie?" Cecile asked her granddaughter

"Jessie was delighted to see her... I haven't seen her so happy in years!"

"For years?" Cecile asked in surprise

"I know how you reacted when you lost your mother, the same thing didn't happen to Jessie, but she suffered a lot when Mia left us ... she never got over it ..."

"Now Mia is back in your lives, that's all that matters!"

"Thanks Grandma Cecile ... and congratulations anyway ..."

"What do you mean?" Cecile asked, not understanding what she meant

"I know Grandpa Joe asked you to marry him! You always told me that he asked you a few hours before I was born! "

"Thanks Nora ... It's just not the right time ..."

"The time is never right! Nobody knows what life has in store for you... don't feel guilty for being happy! You didn't hurt anyone "

"Yeah ... you saw what happened to Patty ... what will Becky do ..."

"I would like to say that she will overcome it, but she is not ... she will always be missing something ..."

"Is it that bad in the future?"

"No ... but it was when she was a teenager ..."

"Do you think Barry told her yet?"


"I think he just did ..."

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