Meeting each other

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Barry and Joe were frozen, the mere mention of Patty's name had been enough to put them in crisis

"Is there any problem?" The woman asked worried about their faces

"Well ..." Joe said in a faint voice

"Maybe it's better that we go to my laboratory ... it's more private ... nobody will disturb us ..." Barry said

"Maybe it's better ..." Joe said

Barry and Joe accompanied Mrs. Spivot into the laboratory and sealed the door

"What's going on !? I don't want to hear lies! Why aren't we filing a missing person report !?"

"Maybe you better sit down ..."

"No! Tell me why!"

"Your daughter died last night ..."

"What are you saying !? It's not possible! It's not her!" She said angrily

"I'm so sorry ... but it's true ... Patty is dead ..."

"How did it happen!?" She asked holding back her tears

"She was killed ..."

"It was him! The child's father! I'm sure of it!"

"It's not like that ..." Joe said

"Trust me I know!"

"Patty died from a metahuman attack after she was shot!" Barry said

"How dare you make fun of me about such a thing !? I'm not in the mood for jokes!"

"He's not kidding ... when Patty arrived in Central City they shot her, she was out of danger but a human target attacked her ..."

"Then it must have been him who sent her! He's definitely a corrupt cop! "

"What!?" Joe asked, almost laughing at the idiocy behind that statement

"Patty was a policewoman ..."

"I know, she was my partner! We worked together for almost ... "

"Then you must necessarily know the child's father! You have to find him before he hurts her too! "

"He has nothing to do with it, indeed it is only thanks to him that they both did not die in the shooting, and it is always thanks to him that Becky is still alive!" Barry said, sick of hearing the accusations the woman was making without even knowing him

"What do you know!?"

"I know because I'm Becky's father!" Barry said, barely holding back from screaming

"So it's you ... why didn't you ever want to have anything to do with your daughter?"

"Because until yesterday I didn't even know she existed!"

"Too easy!"

"What!?" Barry asked, puzzled by Patty's mother's statement

"It's too easy to say my daughter never told you anything right now she's dead!"

"I'm not lying!"

"You are a policeman!" He said looking at Joe "I want to report this man with kidnapping charges!"

"It's not possible, he's the father!"

"He never took care of her ... and he's not doing it now!"

"Becky is my home, with my f...girlfriend" Joe said

When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now