You just wanted to protect me

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End Flashback

"What!?" Frost cried in shock

"Not scream..."

"How can I not scream!" Frost said trying to recover "Your fiancé ... he almost killed you ..."

"Take it easy..."

"I can not! You almost died because of him ... and your daughter ... How is it possible that she ..."

"I don't know... I did not have my powers ... the pregnancy sent them into a tailspin ..."

"So you didn't save yourself at the last ... you are ..."

"I fell into a bush under the window ... it cushioned the fall enough to save me and my daughter..."


"I won't tell you who he is ..."


"He is serving 20 years in prison for attempted murder ... and before you ask for it, he no longer has any rights over my daughter ..."

"But him..."

"Ask no more," Nora said. "I can't tell you who he is!"

"But Nora"

"You promised!"

"Ok Nora ..." Frost said after a few seconds of hesitation "Anyway, now you understand the reason for your sister's choice?"



"I'll apologize to her if that's what you're referring to ..."

"Well ..." Frost said, hugging her goddaughter

As the two embraced, a gust of wind swept through the corridor and Barry appeared before them

"Couldn't you stop it?" Frost said annoyed, arranging her hair "Every time I have to waste time rearranging my hair!"

"Sorry ..." Barry said embarrassed "Nora ... as for what happened between you and Becky ..."

"Yes ..." Nora said with a sigh "I talked to Aunt Frost ... I realized I was exaggerating ... so ... I think I'll go talk to her ..."

"I don't think it's time ... I think she wants to be alone ..."

"She's talking to our grandma, isn't she?" Nora said, knowing her sister all too well

"Yes ... but I won't take you there ..."

"Don't worry!" Nora said, while a bolt of lightning was generated from her hand "My speed is back ..." she added, before running away

Tannhauser industries: Carla's office

"I'm sorry to hear it ..." Carla said, as soon as Becky stopped talking "But don't worry ... if what you told me about your relationship, I'm sure everything will work out!"

"How can you tell? You do not..."

"I just know Becky ..."


"Trust me..."

At that moment Carla saw a small trail of lightning moving outside the open door of her office

"See sweetie ... I was right" he said smiling "Your sister Nora has just arrived"

"How do you know it's me? And ... how did you know I'm his sister, "Nora said as she entered the office

"Well ... we had already met ... and I knew that your father was a sprinter and as such he could travel in time ... then ..."

"Then what..." Becky asked

"Then I realized that my daughter is the woman who adopted you ... right?"

"Yes ... how did you understand that, grandmother?"

"The description of your adoptive mother is the perfect description of my daughter ..."

"Yes, you're right ..." Becky said

"I would have liked to know you better ..." Carla said, with tears in her eyes

"Why do you say that?" Nora asked

"I'm dead, isn't it? Before meeting you ... "

"Grandma..." Becky said, sitting down next to her

"You died when I was ... You will know us ..." Nora said, reaching her sister

"I don't like the idea of ​​knowing when I'll die ... don't say it ..."

"Okay ..." Becky said "Just know that you have been an integral part of our family"

"When will I be able to meet you? When will you be born? "

"I am just born ... Becky is almost 5 years old ..."

"You will get to know us when Caitlin and my dad get together..." Becky added

"I can't wait ..." Carla said, hugging her granddaughters

Back to the STAR Labs

"Wow ..." Becky said as her sister put her down "I didn't remember you were that fast, Nora ..."

"I take it as a compliment ..." Nora said smiling

"Did you forgive me?!" Becky asked in amazement

"It is you who should forgive me ..."

"For what? You were angry because I lied to you and ... "

"Aunt Frost made me understand that you did the same thing I did with Jessie ... you protected me ..."

"What did you tell Aunt Frost?" Becky asked worriedly

"Nothing specific ... how could I have told her that Jessie's father is the future son of Chief David Singh ..."

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