Little sister!?

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"Anyway, Mom, Mia is right, so don't tell her anything .... I still want my little sister!"

"What did you say Nora?" Caitlin asked in shock

Neither Nora nor Mia spoke, Nora couldn't believe she just revealed such a big detail to Caitlin about her future

"Little sister!? Nora, what are you talking about !? " Caitlin asked again

"I never should have told you ..." Nora whispered

"Now it's late! What do you mean?"

"Nora, honey ..." Mia said, placing a hand on Nora's shoulder "... maybe you shouldn't ..."

"I know... I shouldn't say anything... but I have to! It was the secrets that caused it all ... "

"I do not agree!" Caitlin said "It was precisely because you went back in time, if your mother ..."

"She is not my Mother!" Nora yelled "I know very well that all this happened because I went back in time! I will have to live the rest of my life knowing that Becky lost her mother to my fault ... knowing that when she finds out she may not love me anymore ...

I've done so many things that I regret, but what happened to Iris isn't my fault! It is she who will choose not to have anything to do with me! "

"You don't have to blame yourself ... but it's the truth Nora ... your mother saw the resemblance between Jessica and Barry's mother ... then when I said Jessica hugged me ... she thought it was my daughter ..."

"Basically she is ... almost"

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked

"You know my age ... I was unable to take care of her alone"

"Many become parents at 25," Caitlin said

"I'm 25 years old! How old was the other Nora? "

"Well ... she came from 2049 ... and ..."

"I have come from 2046! I'm only 25 years old, almost 26 I had Jessie at 19, I met Mia at 21 ... "

"You were only 19 years old ..."

"Yes ... You were more of a mother than a grandmother to her ... you helped me a lot with her ..."

"That's why you said we were like parents to Jessie ... that's why Jessie hugged me while I was visiting her ..." Caitlin whispered.

"What did you say?" Mia asked

"Nothing important... Anyway, back to my question! What did you mean when you talked about your younger sister? "

"You and my father in 2034 will have your first daughter together... her name is Krystal, she is 12 and she is Jessie's best friend! Becky and I love her... she's kind and innocent... She and Jessie are inseparable! "

"Aww ..." Mia said "I didn't know this ... how many things I missed ..."

Nora didn't even hear Mia's answer, she was in fact too focused on Caitln's expressionless face

"Mom?" Nora said

"I'll call Frost ... I'm going home ... we'll talk about it another time ... ok?" Caitlin said, walking away even before she had an answer

"How is she taking it in your opinion?" Nora asked looking at Mia

"I don't know ... she just found out that her best friend's daughters consider her their mother and that she will have a daughter with him ..."

"You are not very helpful ... I would like to understand ..."

"Me too ..." Mia said

"What you mean?"

"Did you forget that when I came in here I asked you to talk to you ... alone ?!"

"Actually, yes, I'm so sorry Mia ... this thing made me forget ..."

"Well ... Now let's talk"

"What did you want to know?"

"The truth! I want you to stop lying to me! " Mia said

"I never lied to you honey! You know! I've always told you everything! "

"Nora! Stop that! If you lied about this thing ... What else did you lie to me about !? About the fact that you are not in another relationship? About Jessica remembering me? About Jessica's father? About the fact that you love me !? " Mia said, starting to cry "Why don't you trust me !? I can understand now ... after I broke up with you without any explanation, but before ... Why in so many years have you never told me the truth !? "

"Mia, what are you talking about?"

"Why ... Did you always tell me that Iris was dead? We were about to get married, I can't believe you would have hidden such a thing from me!"

"I've never hide anything from you ..." Nora said, looking down

"You can't deny the evidence! Why didn't I know your biological mother was still alive? " Mia asked, standing up

"Because ... until a month ago ... I didn't know either"

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