A rediscovered love

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"Why didn't you ever tell me!" Mia said in tears

"What are you talking about Mia?" Nora asked puzzled

"I thought ... I mean ..."

"What?! Did you think I wanted to kill him! ??! " Nora yelled

"Nora please listen to me!" Mia said crying

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

"Nora please ... Wait what ?!"

"Yes Mia, unlike you I want to hear your side of the story!"

"Thanks Nora ..."

"Hurry to talk before I change my mind"

"Okay ... the thing is, I saw your gaze, I saw your fear, your anger, I saw how much you wanted to save Jessica ...

In your gaze, however, I also saw hatred as well as anger and fear ...

I had seen that look before ... in my father!

I really thought you wanted to kill him!

I have seen the pain that my father's actions have brought to my family, to my mother ... the same goes for Aunt Sara ...

I was afraid of experiencing the same thing ...

So instead of helping you, I left my family in time of need!

Please Nora, can you ever forgive me? "

"Sure, Mia ..."

"Do you really forgive me?"

"Of course ... I never stopped loving you and I understand very well what you were feeling ... I was afraid of becoming another person, so I forgive you!"

"Thanks Nora ..." Mia said crying as she hugged Nora

"Don't cry Mia ..." Nora said, returning the hug

"I would have wanted to go back a long time ago but I was too scared ... I was afraid you were no longer the woman I loved and wanted to marry ... I wish things could go back to the way they were before" Mia said continuing to cry

"I've changed, but I've never stopped loving you! Things can never go back to the way they used to be... "Nora said

"What if we try to start over?" Mia asked hopefully

"I'd like to!"

"Ok ... Hi, my name is Mia Queen"

"Nice to meet you, my name is Nora Snow-Allen!"

"Look, I know it's weird to ask in this situation, but would you like to go out with me?"

"Well I had a date, but it blew me away ... so I accept"

"Do you still remember?" Mia asked in amazement

"Of course I remember the night we met!" Nora said smiling "It was the first time I really felt something for someone in years ... It didn't seem real to have someone to love ... I told you about Jessica almost immediately because I was hoping you would get away from me before I got too attached to you and suffered too much, instead ..."

"Instead?" Mia asked smiling

"Instead you asked me if I had anyone in my life and when I said no, you gave me your number and told me you wanted to go out with me again!"

"It had been a beautiful evening and I had already fallen in love with you ... I would not have allowed anything or anyone to separate me from you ... then as I met Jessica I loved her ... I missed her every day ..."

"She missed you so much too!"

"How much has she changed in the last 2 years? The last time I saw her she was a 5-year-old girl who wanted a leather jacket for her birthday! "

"Well she still wants it ..."

"Haven't you ever given it to her?"

"I tried ... she never accepted it ... she said she wanted you to give it to her"ù

"For real?" Mia asked laughing

"Yes .. the most she accepted was the denim jacket that Lia gave her .."

"Lia... Lia Nelson !? The CSI who worked for your father who made the thread every day? Are you dating her?? " Mia asked jealously

"We went out together for 6 months this year ... but I left her 3 months ago after she asked me to live together ... when she did it, I realized I never stopped loving you!"

"Thanks ... But it makes me strange to think that you went out with Lia ..."

"I remind you that you are engaged to John Diggle, Jr."

"Touché honey!"

While the two girls were absorbed in their speeches, they did not realize that Barry had remained at the entrance to the lounge to listen, he was so concentrated in their reunion that he did not realize Frost's presence until she spoke

"What are those two doing?"

"Frost, you scared me!" Barry said in surprise

"Don't be a coward! So what are those two doing? "

"They are reconciling ... after a long time ..."

"They are a beautiful couple!" Frost said

"How did you know?"

"I know my goddaughter!" Frost said smiling

"But she has not yet been born and the adult Nora you have known very little!"

"That little was enough! I immediately understood her relationship with Cait! "

"Wait... how did you know Nora's last name is Snow-Allen !?" Barry asked puzzled

"What?!?!?!?! Nora's surname is SNOW-ALLEN?!?! ??!?! I understand that she considered Caity her mother, but I thought you and Cait ended up getting together... This is completely different! "

"How did you understand?"

"I saw how she dealt with Caity ... Then, tell me the truth, you would never have chosen me as Nora's godmother, would you?"

"Well... "

"I know very well you would have chosen Caity! Iris never wanted Cait, let alone me! He made me understand it very well ... The only reason I'm Nora's godmother is because Cait couldn't be ... As I said, I saw that she considered Caity her mother! "

"What do you think will happen between me and Iris?" Barry asked

"I have no idea ... Anyway you should talk to Iris!"

"I don't think I should talk to Iris about this!"

"I wasn't talking about this! I'm talking about Iris's health! "

"What you mean?"

"Iris told me she has had dizziness, fainting and vision problems in the last few days! I talked to Caity about it, but Iris refuses to be examined by her! She literally insulted her when he tried to convince her! You have to do something! "

"I can persuade Iris to be examined, but I don't think I'll be able to convince her to be examined by Cait ... I don't know why, but Iris almost hates her!"

"Did something happen between those two?"

"I have no idea ... I don't know what, but something must have happened ... I mean Iris called Cait my mistress!"

"Your wife must have some problems ... however you have to convince her to get checked ... Caity confirmed the suspicion ... if we're right it could be very serious!"

When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now