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"Nora ... I ..."

"There is no excuse for what you did!"

"You do not understand..."

"I understand perfectly well instead! Or did you forget what happened between Mia and me !? I reacted in the same way as you, for the frustration I treated badly the people who wanted to help me, but you ... you exaggerated!"

"Nora ... I ..."

"I HAVE NOT FINISHED YET!" thundered Nora, scaring the hell out of Barry "Did you realize how terrible the things you said to her are ?!"

"But, she was ..."

"She was doing what she always does!" Nora yelled angrily "She was helping you! Nobody asked her to stay helping all these years! She chose to stay! She chose to stay for you, for all of you, when she had the chance to leave with Ronnie! To help you! she gave up creating a new life away from all this! She gave up having a life of her own ... a family of her own! And you ... you told her those things!?"

"Nora ... I ... I'm sorry ..."

"I understand what you are going through ... Patty's death, Gamma, the fight with Iris and the fact that now she has lost her memory ..."

"So you forgive me?"

"You know... you should learn to let other people finish talking," Nora said angrily

"What do you mean?"

"It is not I who must forgive you, but my mother!"

"Iris ... Nothing will be as it was before, won't it?" Barry said after a few seconds of silence

"How did you understand that?" asked Nora confused

"You are so angry with me for how I treated Catlin that you didn't even realize it ..."

"What are you referring to?"

"You called Iris by name and Caitlin mom"

"That's not true ..." Nora said trying to hide her nervousness

"Nora ..."

"Ok, do you want the truth? Good! Iris has never met me ... or rather she doesn't know that I am her daughter ... in my time you two haven't talked for years! Caitlin, your wife, raised me ... she adopted me ... I was 5 when I took the surname Snow-Allen ... "

"You really love her very much ..."

"She's my mother... of course I love her! She raised me and did the same to Becky! Now..." Nora said, handing the baby to Barry "Leave baby Nora to Grandpa Joe and wait for me here! And make sure you don't get in trouble!" she added before walking away

"Where are you going?" Barry asked puzzled

"I'm going to talk to Caitlin!"

"Thanks Nora!"

"What did you understand?" Nora said leaving Barry even more perplexed

"I'm going to console her! I will not help you to be forgiven! Not after what you told her! You have to do it yourself! You have to earn her forgiveness! "


When Nora came to Caitlin's, she found her crying sitting in a chair holding her head in her hands.

"Nora ... maybe you and Barry should leave her alone" said Wally, stopping her at the entrance to the room.

"I'm not here on behalf of my father ... I'm here for her! Please Uncle Wally leave us alone!"

"Okay Nora," Wally said, before accelerating away

"I do not want to talk to you!" Caitlin said crying

"Please listen to me ..."

"If your father wants to apologize, he has to do it alone! Not through his daughter!"

"I'm not here for my father! I'm here for you!" Nora said sitting down next to her

"Go away Nora!"

"I know what he told you ... he didn't mean it ... he was just very angry about what's going on ..."

"This doesn't justify him!" Caitlin said crying

"I never said that! I'm here for you! To help you! You must understand that you don't have to suffer for what he told you!"

"You make it easy! The person you gave up happiness for didn't just tell you to stay away from him and his family!" Caitlin said in tears

"He didn't really mean ..."

"He basically told me I'm stealing his family! He said terrible things to me ... after everything I've done for him ... If I left with Ronnie ... he would be alive ... I would have a family! "Caitlin said crying.

"Do not Cry..."

"Instead I was stupid! As we have already established I had a crush on Barry from the first moment we met ... that crush has grown to love ... I have tried to suppress my feelings, but I have not succeeded ... my bad relationships prove it: Zoom, Julian... then Frost and Savitar... I was a fool! "

"You're not stupid!" Nora said

"Please Nora stop insisting!"

"Listen ... I understand that you are suffering ... you just have to realize that none of what he told you is true! He doesn't really believe it either! You are not stealing his family! You are helping the people you care about!"

"Please Nora leave me alone!"

"No MOM! I'm not leaving you alone!"

When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now