I really wish it was a lie

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"It's a lie! Please tell me it's a lie!" Becky said crying

Barry wanted to console his daughter, tell her that her mother was fine and that the three of them could be a family, but he couldn't ...

Patty was really dead and her daughter no longer had her mother, now the only parent she had left was him, and despite having experienced the same thing, he had no idea how to console her.


"Please tell me it's a lie!"

"Honey, I really wish mine were a lie ..." Barry said hugging Becky and starting to cry "Right now it's one of the things I want most in the world, but it's not ... I'm so sorry Becky"

"Mom can't be dead... she said she would never leave me alone... that she would always stay with me... why didn't she ?! Why did she leave me ?! What did I do wrong?"

"Honey... it's not your mother's fault... nor yours! Always remember that! Your mother would never have left you!"

"But she just did it!"

"Becky, she didn't want to, but it happened! Very often things don't go our way, but there's nothing we can do about it ..."

"What am I going to do? I have no one else in the world!"

"You have me, honey! You are my daughter, you can stay with me"

Suddenly Becky held back all the tears and, changing from a sad tone to a hateful one,
she said

"Are you sure your wife wants me?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You have a ring! I saw many people with rings like yours, so I asked my mother ... she told me she didn't have it because you weren't married ... you have one ... so you're married ... that's why you've never been with us ... right? "

"Of course not! When I was with your mother I was not married ... the truth is that she and I got apart ... only after I got married ..."

"Then why didn't she help my mom! That nice policewoman said she would help her!
Instead she didn't! When I asked her about my mother she told me to talk about it with you! "

"Stop ... she's not my wife ..."

"We have already established that you are married!"

"Yes, but not with her"

"So you left me and my mom, but are you married to a second woman and in love with a third one !?" Becky said crying more out of anger than sadness

"Becky, I didn't leave your mother for another woman! We wanted to live the rest of our life together, but fate separated us then ..."

"Then what ?!"

"I didn't know you existed ..."

"What !? How is it possible ..."

"When your mother broke up with me ... when your mother and I broke up I didn't know you were going to be born ..."

"It's a lie! Mom always said she told you about me ..."

"I did not know!"

"You're still lying!"

"I didn't lie to you ...

How could I have known anyway? When did your mother tell me? "

"She left you a voicemail on June 20, 2017! She told me on our way to Central City ..."

Barry did not initially link it to the date, it took a few seconds there to realize that as of June 2017 he had been speedforce for about a month

"I was not reachable at that time ... I was out of the country ... more or less ..."

"You really didn't know about me?"

"It's so sweet ... if I had known I wouldn't have stayed away from you and your mother ..."

"We could have been a family ... probably now I would have a little sister ... and I wouldn't be alone ..."

"You're right, we would have been a family ... anyway you have a little sister ... she was born just last night ..."

"Wow ..." Becky said, not very convinced "So I would stay with you and your wife?"

"yes, you would stay with me ... sure ..." Barry said completely ignoring the part about Iris

"... and with your wife?"

"It's complicated..."

"She doesn't want me because I'm not her daughter ... isn't it?"

"The reality is that she doesn't even want her daughter ..."

"I'm so sorry for my sister ... we both lost our mother on the same day ..."

"You are not alone ... there is me, my family ..."

"... and your girlfriend?"

"Who? Caitlin? I already told you she's not my girlfriend ... Why do you think so?"

"I saw you from the stairs ... you chased her out ..."

"Caitlin is just a friend ... I love her, yes ... but nothing more ...

I chased her out because I needed to talk to her ... we fought over something stupid ... and I'm so sorry ...

But, back to my question: why did you think she was my girlfriend? "

"From this and the way you talk about her ... you have the same look Mum had when she talked about you ... the same look that Caitlin had when talking about you ..."

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