An electric spark

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Nora left Mia and Jessica alone and sat on the sofa, drinking coffee and thinking.
Her family was now starting to reunite, but her family in the past had started to fall apart...Added to this was Gamma's revenge, which had already cost Patty her life.

She sat thinking for several minutes, until she heard the door open

"Who is there?" he asked, fearing the worst

"It's me..." Caitlin said as she entered

"Hello Mom! What are you doing here?" Nora said, happy to see her

"I had to visit you ... the little you ..."

"Sure mom, she's upstairs ..."

"Nora ..."

"Yes mom?"

"Don't call me that ... please ... it's too much for me!"

Nora sighed sadly, Caitlin's affirmation had destroyed her to the core, she had prepared herself for something like this, but she didn't think it could hurt that much...
The pain she felt was the same as Caitlin had felt when she talked to Barry
"I can try ... but I can't guarantee you anything ..."
 she finally said, not realizing that Caitlin had walked away and left her alone.

"Cecile, where are you?" Caitlin said, walking upstairs

"I'm here, Caitlin!" Cecile said as she came out of Jenna's room

"Where is Nora, baby Nora? I wanted to make sure she was okay "

"It's kind of you to help, thank you"

"I'm a doctor, it's my duty to make sure Nora is okay," Caitlin said defensively

"Caitlin, Joe told me something happened between you Barry ... Then your phone call this morning confirmed me: you told me you'd only come if he wasn't there ..."

"I do not wanna talk about it!"

"And I don't want to oblige you, don't worry!"

"Thanks Cecile"

"You don't need to thank me, I can feel how upset you are ..."

"Can you please avoid doing this ..."

"I'm not doing this on purpose, your emotions are too intense ..."

"Are you serious ?!" Caitlin asked sarcastically. "Besides Barry, do you sense any other conflicting emotion in me?"

"Actually, yes ... it's about that ..." Cecile said pointing to an envelope protruding from Caitlin's coat pocket.

"I do not wanna talk about it!" Caitlin said moving the envelope into the bag "I'm going to visit Nora, then I'll go away"

15 minutes later

"That's it," Caitlin said, walking out of Nora's room

"How is Nora?"

"She is fine, she is in perfect health! She woke up while I was visiting her, but now she is sleeping like an angel"

As the two talked Caitlin felt something pull her pant leg followed by a small voice saying "Hey, are you the one who helped my mom?"

Caitlin turned and saw Becky with tears in her eyes

"Can you tell me when she comes back? I miss her, I've never been without her for so long ... "

Caitlin didn't know what to answer, what for the little girl was a simple question for her was like hitting a wall ...

"Honey... I don't have to be the one talking about it..." Caitlin said, kneeling

"But it was you who said you would help her ... why don't you tell me where she is? I miss her"

"Listen, maybe you should wait for your father ..."

"We just met ... we never even talked ... I can't ask him ... I don't even know where he is!"

"He's on his way here ... Joe just warned me ..." Cecile said

"What!?" Caitlin yelled, almost shocked by Cecile's statement "I specifically said I would only come here after Barry left ..."

"Caitlin, Joe said something happened between you and Barry, but I didn't think ..."

"You shouldn't have thought! I specifically told you I'd only come here if Barry wasn't there! "

"Caitlin" Cecile said, approaching Caitlin to whisper in her ear "Barry and Joe met Patty's mother at the CCPD ... they're coming here for Beckie ..."

"Sorry for how I reacted ... I'm going away ..."

"Caitlin, wait! You don't have to... "Cecile said as she chased Caitlin down the stairs

"Instead I have to!" Caitlin said, approaching the door, but opening it she saw the person she least wanted to meet: Barry

"Hi Cait ..." Barry said, surprised to see her at Joe's "You're here to ..."

"I visited Nora ... baby Nora ... just like I said ..."

"Thanks Cait ... as for what happened yesterday ... I'm very sorry ..."

"Barry, I don't want to talk about it now ..." Caitlin said walking around him to try to get out

"Cait, please wait... let me explain," Barry said, touching her arm, as if asking her to stay.

As Barry touched her arm they both felt something neither of them expected: a small electric discharge ... an electric spark.

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