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"Okay, give me a few minutes and I'll see how to arrange..."

"Thank you... you don't know how much this means to me! I really don't know how to thank you..." Iris said, taking Nora's hands

"Don't worry... after all, you are part of the family! I mean all the bad things you've "done" you've never really done!
Yes, you accused my mother unjustly, you abandoned me because you had lost your memory, but you didn't know about Becky and if you had, you would never have kept her away..."

"... yes, exactly..." Iris said, looking away slightly

"You're lying!" Nora said, abruptly letting go of Iris's hands

"What are you talking about honey?"

"You discover the truth as a journalist, I as a detective! You have to distinguish whether your information is true or false to publish a decent article, I have to understand if the criminal in front of me is telling the truth to close the case without sending an innocent to prison and do justice for the families of the victims...

I'm better than you at understanding when someone is lying, and you, right now, are lying!"

"I didn't lie..."

"Your answer wasn't sincere... what was wrong with everything I said?"

"Nora, the truth is, I..."

"No..." Nora said, figuring out what Iris was lying about "If you had known about my sister you wouldn't have said anything!?"

"Nora, try to understand me! Your father had disappeared in the speed force... I thought he was dead... even if I had known I wouldn't have said anything at first, there was no reason!"

"How can you say such a thing!"

"Think about it Nora, if your father had never returned from the speed force..."

"Patty had called several times, but never got an answer...did you tell her not to call?"

"I took a call... she asked me where Barry was, I lied to her that he was off finishing something for our wedding... I never knew Becky existed! I never lied about not knowing about Becky! I just thought Patty wanted it back..."

"You know I spoke to Patty before she died, she didn't want to do anything but introduce my sister Rebecca to her father... she didn't want to take him away from you..."

"But Nora, even if I had known who would have cared!"

"Grandpa Joe, maybe!"

"What does he have to do with Patty's daughter"

"Becky is also my father's daughter! What would you say when my father returned? That you hadn't said anything for months!"

"Well... I..."

"I HOPE YOU ARE JOKING!" Nora yelled, her voice full of hate "You would have never said anything!?" she continued, starting to cry in anger

"Not right away, your dad and I had problems initially... I would have waited for"

"Save it! I don't want to know anything! I won't abandon Lily like you did with me and would have done with Becky...but forget about knowing my daughter!"

"Nora, you can't be serious, it would be my only chance to meet my granddaughter! You really want to take away my chance to meet my granddaughter!"

"You would have taken it from Grandpa Joe! None of them will know how selfish you would have been, but only because I don't want Lilian to be treated according to your stupid ideas!"

"Nora, I'm just begging you to let me know her! Let me meet my granddaughter before I die!"

"You will not go near my daughter! And if you do... I assure you that you will bitterly regret it," Nora said before speeding away

Allen house

drin drin drin drin drin drin

"I'm coming downstairs, wait a minute!" Caitlin said, approaching the door as fast as she could "Who is it?"

"Hi..." a teenage girl Caitlin had never seen said shyly

"Hello... and you would be?"

"Sorry... maybe I went to the wrong house... My name is Lilian..."

"You didn't go wrong honey, I'm Caitlin Allen, Nora told us about you, I just thought you'd come with her. Come in, take a seat"

"For real?"

"Of course! Make yourself at home! You are more than welcome!"

"But my mother..."

"You are not your mother, and anyway if Iris had needed we would have been here! You are part of our family"

"Thank you..." Lilian said starting to cry

"Honey, what's going on?" Caitlin asked, walking closer to the girl

"I'm not very used to the idea of ​​a family like this... I've almost always lived with my father, and he prefers to spend time with his new daughter rather than me... and my mother, I pass... I spent little time with her ..."

"Honey, know that you are not alone, we are a family and you are part of it, you will just have to get used to the idea..."

"I highly doubt I will be able to stay with you, so I don't want to get used to it..."

"Nora is your sister, and if your father gave up custody of you in court, she is the person who would have the best right to take care of you"

"How can you be sure?"

"When I adopted Nora and Becky as my daughters I read all the information about the adoption and the various clauses, it's complicated and I don't do it for work, but I think Nora won't have too much trouble getting your custody..."

"What makes you think she wants to do this?"

"Because you are my sister, and even though I just met you, I love you" Nora said, accelerating after Lilian

"Thank you..." was all Lilian could say, before starting to cry in Nora's arms

What should have been a moment of extreme emotion, was however ruined by two light laughs, coming from the top of the stairs

"Why are you laughing?" Caitlin asked, angered by Becky and Crystal's laughter

"Sorry Mom," Crystal said

"It's just..." Becky began

"What?" Nora asked, starting to get angry

"Little sister, you're too much shorter than Lilian!"

That negligible observation was more than enough to transform Lilian's tears into pure laughter

"You saved yourself in the corner, girls!" Caitlin said, giggling

"Can you call dad too?" Nora asked, "I would like to talk to everyone about something..."

When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now