Why don't you wanna be my mom?

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Nora and Barry crossed the dock far and wide, however, there was no trace of Caitlin, the only thing they could find was a message written on a wall with red paint: "IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME!"

"Come back here ..." Joe said through the comms

"Joe ... we can't!" Barry said

"Dad is right, Grandpa! We can't leave mom in her hands! She will kill her! "

"Nora, if she had simply wanted to kill Caitlin, she would have already died ... as you said she wants to take revenge on you so ..."

"So she'll wait to kill her in front of me ... I get it ..."

Barry and Nora returned to STAR Labs, leaving the others to continue the search, and if Barry could try to distract himself by spending time with Becky, Nora had preferred to be alone in the Cortex, or at least tried.

"Nora, please let's talk!" Mia said, approaching the young speedster sitting on the sofa

"What do you want from me? I was clear! "

"Nora, please! I love you! I do not want to leave you!"

"Do you think I want to leave you !?" Nora said, standing up "Being with you is the thing I want most in the world!"

"Then let me do it!"

"It's not so easy..."

"It is instead! Take me back to your time ... from there I'll go to mine ... then I'll come back to you "

"Why do you want to go back to my time?"

"For our ... your daughter"

"You can say OUR ..."

"Thank you ... anyway I would like to talk to her and tell her that even if I am not with her I will never stop loving her!"

"My ... if you want to use Jessie ..."

"I would never do that!"

"Okay then ... let's go ..."

Future, Barry and Caitlin's House

Mia and Nora arrived directly in the garden of Barry and Caitlin's House, a house that Mia had been missing all along.

"Wow ... this place hasn't changed at all ... it's always as welcoming as ..."

"Mia ... you can say it ... you can say it's like home!" Nora said, ringing the bell

"Who is? Oh Nora, Mia! You are back! " Caitlin said as she opened the door

"We still haven't found out where Gamma has taken you ..." Mia said, unable to hide her sadness

"Don't worry ... everything will work out ... then you won't have to find me ..."

"You mean she will challenge us?" Nora asked

"She will challenge you, Nora"

"Well then..."

"Quiet Nora ... everything will be resolved, honey!" Caitlin said

"We're here for Jessie ... I'd like to talk to her ..." Mia said

"Of course Mia, she's over there ... we were playing chess and she's been thinking about her next move for 5 minutes"

"Since when can Jessie play chess?" Mia asked curiously

"About 3 months ... it's fun to see her think ..." Nora said, not realizing that Mia wasn't listening

"Jessie ..." Mia said, her voice full of sadness, entering the Allen living room

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