THE END: When everything fell apart I realized what really mattered

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6 months later

After so many years, Nora and Mia's wedding day had finally come, the two, unlike the family members, had opted for a very small wedding, they didn't want to attract too much attention, especially considering Mia's fame at that time.

As the two women exchanged vows, Caitlin couldn't stop crying with emotion

"Are you okay honey?" asked Barry, taking her hand

"Yeah, I just can't believe my little girl is getting married... it feels like only yesterday when I was rocking her to sleep!"

"Yeah, it's strange to me too... it's been over 20 years since then, over 20 since I put that ring on your finger...

When everything around me was falling apart I realized what really mattered in my life"

"Yeah, it's been 26 years since I started living the best part of my life..."

"Have you ever stopped to think about a precise memory saying: This is the best moment of my life! ?"

"Several times... but among all of them there is one that melts my heart every time"


May 14, 2023

Caitlin was sitting on the living room table working on her computer, her mother not kidding when she said her job was demanding!

She had spent all weekend working to catch up on the backlog, but still found herself 3 days behind.

Even though she was dead tired from work she was still happy, this was in fact her second anniversary with Barry.

It was supposed to be just them tonight, so he had to hurry and finish before lunch.

To help her, Barry had taken Nora along while he went shopping, leaving only Becky at home, who had insisted on staying.

After some time working Caitlin heard the small footsteps of Becky, who approached her

"Hey Becky, what's going on?" Caitlin asked softly, turning away

"Well, well, I..." Becky said shyly

"What's going on honey?"

"Some of my friends...they...made some presents for Mother's Day...I...I made one too...

Only my mum is gone so... I wanted you to have it..." Becky said taking out a small card with some paper flowers and hearts with the word mum attached and placing it on the table

Caitlin looked at it for a few seconds, her heart was about to burst with joy

"Thank you so much's wonderful...and I'm sure your mother would have loved it..."

"I'm glad you like it... but do you think my mom doesn't mind if I'm giving it to you?"

"Honey, I'm sure your mother wouldn't be mad! You haven't done anything wrong!"

"But what if she thinks I've forgotten her?"

"Your mother would never think that! She knows very well how much you love her! "

"I hope you're right," Becky said quickly before heading back to her room

"What is that?" Barry asked, waking Caitlin out of the trance she'd been in for several minutes, looking at Becky's present

"It's a present from Becky...a present for Mother's Day!" Caitlin said, with tears in her eyes "I didn't expect something like this... I just got used to the idea of ​​Nora calling me mom..."

"Honey, they are your daughters now...

They have been for two years! You've taken care of them since I've known them, you're their mother... Even Becky has understood how much you love her! That's why she gave you that present... a Mother's Day present..."

"Barry, we're not married! And I haven't adopted them yet!"

"You know, I wanted to wait until tonight, but I changed my mind..." Barry said kneeling and pulling out a black case


"Cait, I haven't proposed yet!"

"It doesn't matter! It will always be yes!" she said kissing him


When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now