Stay away from my sister

424 16 6

Central City Hospital

"Excuse me ..." Lillian said shyly approaching a nurse

"What do you want, girl?"

"My mother ... Iris West ..."

"The police must complete the investigation, the recognition is already done ... so you have to wait for the investigation to finish"

"What do you mean?" Nora asked

"You won't be able to see Iris's body until the investigation is over"

"My mother's body !?" Lilian yelled, shocked "Do you want to tell me she's dead !?"

"Yes ... didn't you know?"

"What happened?" asked Nora, approaching her sister "She was alive ... at least that was what..."

"She was alive but... after an hour she went into cardiac arrest and in the absence of a certificate, her wife signed the request for no resuscitation."

"My mother wanted to be revived! She always said that even if she ended up in a coma you would have to wait 6 months ... and a respirator and any other type of surgery were ... "

"Well the wife had a power of attorney and she ..."

"She can't really have done it!"

"Well she did and, if you don't mind, I should go back to work" said the nurse walking away

Meanwhile Lillian was kneeling on the ground crying

"Lilian ..." Nora said kneeling beside her

"She can't really be dead ..."


"I didn't even know...and it's been hours ..."

"I don't know what to tell you ... I don't know what Iris's wife might have thought ..."

"Amelia killed her for money ..."

"I don't know her, but I doubt she wanted to kill your mother ... they loved each other ..."

"My mother never felt anything for another woman before meeting her ...They got married without thinking ...

My mother loved his wife, but the opposite was not true ...
That woman is a horrible person! All these years she has done everything to get me away from my mother! And now she didn't tell me anything! She legally killed my mother without even trying to contact me!
Can't you arrest her for this? "

"Give me consent to check your communications ... and if it is true that she has not tried to contact you we will do something, okay?"

"Can you really arrest her for this?"

"Peter Falk's Law..."

"What?" Lilian asked puzzled

"Peter Falk was an actor, known for playing Lieutenant Columbo in the television series of the same name ... the adopted daughter, adopted during the actor's first marriage, has not received any information on health problems and the death of her father ...

She therefore committed herself so that this did not happen to other people ...

The situation between her and her father was different from that between you and your mother, but in this state the law exists and is applicable "

"But only if you didn't try to contact me ..."

"Exactly... maybe..."

"But she killed her! Can't you do anything about it ?! "

"If we prove that she didn't warn you about your mother's condition, we can investigate something ..."

"Hey you! What are you doing with my daughter! " a man said, approaching Nora and Lillian

"I'm Lieutenant Allen, of the CCPD ..."

"Well you will question her later!"

"She wasn't questioning me! I was asking her to investigate Amelia... she killed mom! "

"A bomb killed your mother!"

"She survived the bomb! Amelia has signed not to revive her! "

"Iris would have liked it!"

"Do you agree with her !?" Lillian shouted "I didn't make you so mean and attached to money to kill!"

"How dare you" he yelled, approaching menacingly, making Lilian run to hide behind Nora

"Get out of the way!"

"What part of a Central City police lieutenant don't you understand?"

"Get out of the way!"

"Stay away from her!"

"Otherwise? Will you shoot me? "

"I might as well do it ..."

"Have you ever killed anyone?" he asked, approaching menacingly

"Yes ..." she replied without batting an eye "and if you want to be part of that list ... well I'm happy to settle ..."

"It's not worth it ..." he said walking away

"Thanks Nora" Lilian said after a few seconds

"You don't have to thank me!"

"You saved me from him ..."

"Was that why Iris was in town? To save you from him? "


"Do you have a place to stay?"

"I came to you just because I didn't have one after the fight with my mother ..."

"Ok ... I'll take you to a safe place ... just don't say what happened ... and don't say who you are ..."

"Because? Where do you want to take me? "

"At my parents' house ..."


"No ... Mia and I have to do something first ..."

"What will I do in the meantime?"

"Sign the order to allow us to check your communications, we will already be back by then ..."

"But how?"

"Time travel..."

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