Nora: The talk

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"Iris, can I speak to Nora, alone?" Barry asked


"I'd like to talk to her alone..."

"Why Barry? I would like to spend time with her! "

"Iris, I have to talk to her ... and I have to do it alone!"

"Okay," Iris said, almost offended by Barry's request

"What did you want to talk to me about dad?"

"Jessie ..."

"What do you want to know about her? I warn you that I cannot tell you much..."

"I don't care about the timeline, I want answers!" Barry said sitting next to Nora

"Just ask... I can't guarantee you an answer, though..."

"Is Jessie my daughter and Caitlin's?"

"Why do you think that?" Nora said almost laughing

"Well... you said she's a shy little girl and yet she hugged me and Caitlin shortly after we met, then literally dragged Frost into the living room to finish eating her piece of cake ... In short, she acted like she knew STAR Labs and all of us!!"

"That doesn't mean anything..." Nora tried to say 

"Nora... Jessie looks just like my mom as a child! The only difference is the blond hair! "

"It's a temporary dye... for a carnival party... actually her hair is light brown... "

"Like Cait's! Please Nora tell me! Cait and I are going to be together in the future and is Jessie our daughter? "

"Dad, Jessie is not your daughter... I can't tell you more... "

"Nora please! I need to know! It doesn't matter what happens between the two of us in the future... "

"How did you know we had a fight?"

"I can see it in your face ... Did I do something serious to you?"

"Actually, yes, but ... now I finally understand why ..."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't tell you, at least not yet! Just know that Jessie is not your daughter! "

"How did Jessica know me and Cait? And how did she know the internal structure of STAR Labs?"

"Her mother will be part of the Flash team in the future ..."

"Do we already know her?"

"Yes to be honest... I can't tell you who she is! But make m... Caitlin promises not to DNA test Jessica! "

"Nora, why ..."

"You can't know who she is!"

"Not that ... I was referring to the fact that you stammered before saying Cait's name ..."

"Ignore it ... Do as I tell you!" Nora said firmly

"Okay..." Barry said as he walked out

"Ah dad ... thanks for everything!"

"For what?"

"You trust me to the point of not insisting on the subject ... I'm sorry for our fight in the future ..."

"I'm sure for the future me it's already resolved... it's not about Thawne, is it?"

"The reverse Flash? The monster that killed Grandma Nora? Nothing has been known about him for years! "

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