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Nora ran out of the Time Vault, her chat with Gideon only confusing her even more: Patty wasn't badly injured, yet Gideon said she would die before midnight.

She didn't know what to do, on the one hand Patty was the mother of her sister Becky, plus she as a policeman swore to protect others ... on the other hand, how XS had to protect the whole world, however this included having to protect the timeline ... A timeline in which Patty was dead.

"Then it is true that you are back!" said a voice behind Nora, shaking her from her thoughts

"Grandpa Joe !! What are you doing here I thought you were out of town? " Nora said hugging him

"It was like that, but as soon as Barry told me you were back we ran back! How do you feel? Your father told me you were in serious condition "

"I'm fine ... more or less ..." Nora said, looking down

"What's wrong?"

"I have used up all my energy, I am without my speed for the next 24 hours according to my estimates"

"I'm sorry ... what happened to you?"

"A metahuman wanted to kill me ... I couldn't defeat him alone ... I was running away and in the end I found myself in the Speed force ... I was traveling back in time"

"And you came here by pure chance?"

"No ... I started traveling back by chance, but I chose to come here"

"Isn't there a risk that you may disappear again?"

"I haven't messed up the timeline if that's what you mean ... but you have no idea how much I'd like to change something"

"What is it about Nora?"

"I can not tell you! It could mess up the timeline! "

"You can trust me Nora! I don't think it can have such a catastrophic effect! "

"Okay ... just promise me you won't tell anyone!"

"I promise! I'll take your secret to the grave with me! " Joe said, making Nora laugh

"Okay grandpa the truth is that ..."

"Dad, when did you arrive?" Iris said interrupting them

"A little while ago, as soon as I learned that my granddaughter had returned, I came running here"

"Excuse me, I have to go ... I want to get some air" said Nora, walking away


Nora let herself fall on the sofa crying with anger, she was furious: for the second time Iris had interfered in a private conversation, for the second time that woman had prevented her from asking for help in the only moments in which she had found the courage to to do it.

It almost seemed as if the world wanted to stop her from talking about the future ...

Of course it was not correct to alter the timeline, but on the other hand it was not correct to let Patty die when he could save her.

She would have liked some good advice, but both times she was deciding to ask for help, Iris had ruined everything ...

"What do you think is so important?" Frost said, shaking Nora from her thoughts

"I can't tell you Aunt Frost, I'd like to talk to you about it, but every time I'm about to do it Iris ruins everything!" Nora said, wiping her tears

"Wait what?" Frost asked in shock

When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now