We can't let it happen again

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"Barry, we can't ... What happened tonight ... we can't let it happen again," Caitlin said, sitting down on the sofa.

"Cait, please ... I don't want to act like it never happened!" he said, sitting down beside her and taking her hands

"You made it clear that you don't love me! I don't want to play this game! " she said walking away

"Cait, this is not a game for me! It is not a mistake! At least not for me! "

"What do you want? Do you want to continue this until Iris comes back? I do not want to! I'm leaving Barry! "

"This is your house Cait ..."

"You did not understand! I'm leaving Central City! "


"My mother opened a new office of her company and offered me a job as a manager ... I would go back to my real job ... and above all I would go back to living MY life"

"Dad, get out of there!" Nora yelled, as Barry was struck by a bolt of lightning thrown by Gamma

"What is happening?" he asked as his daughter helped him up

"I should ask you! We had Gamma in our hands and yet you let her get away! " Nora yelled, unable to hold back her anger

"Sorry ... it's just that ..."

"You realize that my daughter's life is at stake! I can't allow you to put her in danger! That woman wants to take revenge on me and I don't need your help if you let her escape! "

"Sorry Nora ... the problem is Caitlin ..."


"What happened between you and mom?" Nora asked

"You know what happened to Iris ..."

"And you know very well that it is not her that my sister was referring to!" Becky said

"Look ... I don't think I want to talk about it"

"We are your daughters, your family! And the one you speak of is our mother! " Becky said, surprising Nora with the use of those words

"That's exactly why!"

"What do you mean after she woke up you spent the night together?" Nora asked

"Um ..."

"So the problem is you two did ..."

"No!" Barry said interrupting his eldest daughter

"Wait, are you telling me that you and Caitlin spent the night kissing me until you fell asleep?" Becky asked incredulously


"Did you fight about this? Ok ... we're talking about you two, but ... did you fight because you kissed? "

"It's not just that!"

"Well, you haven't talked to Caitlin since the day after she woke up, which is the morning after your night of kissing ... What more happened?"

"Caitlin asked me if I loved her... and I couldn't... I can't say yes! I never thought of her that way before you arrived! I've never had any serious relationships other than Iris! None with true love ... "

"We know," Becky said interrupting him

"Sorry Becky ... between me and Patty ..."

"Don't worry... I know perfectly well that I am one of the Flashpoint side effects... I don't mind! Not that much... I know exactly what happened... just like I know for sure that Caitlin is the right person for you... at least on this earth! "

"This earth? The crisis has canceled them ... or united them ... "

"Not exactly... you won't find out for another 5 years, but there are other universes! Yes, they are not the same as before but ...

In one of these, for example, I do not exist and you are still married to Iris and you have another child and Aunt Frost dies ... but ... "

"Becky! Don't give it too many details! "


"We might as well tell him about Jacob and screw up the timeline! You can't do that! "

"Hey you three!" Mia said entering "You asked to speak privately, but to do so you should stop screaming!"

"Sorry but we have to try to make him understand ..."

"Nora, your father in relationships is the only person in the world more incapable than you! And it took you 5 appointments for you to realize that I had serious intentions with you!

Barry, stop being a baby and talk to Caitlin, or write her a letter or something! Don't make her go to Midway City alone for her new job! "

"But Gamma ..."

"You are too distracted to help us right now! We'll take care of you! "

"What will you do?"

"To modify anti-meta-human bullets so that they also work against meta-technology ..."


"Let's go back to the future!"

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