It's over...

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"You just admitted you love Catlin"

"Dad, can you hear me?" Nora said, rousing Barry from his trance

"Nora... what's going on?"

"What my love would like to tell you is that we are officially back together and have found a way to trap Gamma" said Mia

"Oh... well... what is it about?"

"Well...that's the part I don't like so much about the plan..." Mia said, taking Nora's hand

"Well... "

"No, you won't be the bait to track her down," Barry said firmly

"We have no other choice... otherwise mom will die..."

"We've already established that she won't kill Caitlin..."

"As I already explained to Nora..." Mia said, interrupting him "In the last year I have studied all the available data on Gamma and I am sure that if Nora doesn't face Gamma, she will still kill Caitlin..."

"How can you be sure?"

"Gamma has changed targets several times in the course of her revenge...she's clearly impatient...if she can't kill her in front of Nora, she'll make sure everyone sees her dead body, then move on to the next victim..."


"Dad, Mia is right... we have no other choice!"

"Okay... what do you have in mind?"

Central City Stadium

"Dad, why did you bring me here?" Gamma said, dropping Caitlin to the floor of the commentary room

"Sorry to disappoint you Gamma" Barry said accelerating after Gamma after pushing Caitlin away "But you're alone tonight!"

"I have nothing against you Flash! The only person I have a score to settle with is Detective Allen! That bitch killed my brother! She took my only family away from me and she has to pay for it!"

"The only one here who has done anything wrong is you!" Nora said, speeding into the room without wearing her mask

"What? Are you XS!?"

"Haven't you figured it out yet?"

"I thought you just had a good guardian angel... I've seen you several times with the Flash as a detective..."

"I didn't want to be a hero, I only do it when necessary!"

"You're not a hero, you're just a killer! You killed my brother in cold blood!"

"Metahuman guns can't actually kill a metahuman! All they do is stun them! They didn't work for you because you are not real meta! You were created in the laboratory with the help of meta-technology!"

"I know... but that doesn't give you the right to kill us!"

"I have never said that!"

"Well, you did! You killed my brother for no reason!"

"He held a letter opener to my daughter's throat! I fired as soon as I could, but I wasn't aiming to kill him! The bullet shouldn't have hit him! It should have disintegrated in an energy wave that would have immobilized it!"

"I do not believe you! And now you will die for what you did to my family!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Gamma's eyes filled with arrows and, enveloping herself in a whirlwind of violet lightning, she hurled herself at Nora

In less than the blink of an eye Gamma had dragged Nora against the stands

"You are not worthy to compete with me!" he yelled before throwing her into the middle of the field

"You know... while I was in prison, I met an old friend of yours, he has a stupid name... Eobard Thawne... he didn't reveal your identities to me, he said there was no taste...
But he told me that this place is strongly connected to you and your father... He almost died against the Reverse Flash and... even when he fight with you..."

"That wasn't me! It was the other me!" Nora said in a faint voice, now unable to react

"Well, it doesn't make much difference! You'll be the one to die today anyway!"

"Hey, let my girl go!" Mia shouted, shooting an arrow at Gamma

Gamma grabbed the arrow without difficulty, and laughing said "Did you really think you could stop me so easily?"

"Well... yeah," Mia said, laughing back

While the vigilante laughed, the arrow that Gamma still held in her hand generated a real explosion of energy, enveloping Gamma in a cloud of yellow lightning, which hurled her to the ground several meters away

"Don't you laugh anymore now?" Mia asked approaching Gamma "Here's my variation on anti-meta weapons! A special arrow designed to work against a specific target! The pain will fade soon, but as far as your powers are concerned, you'll have to wait a few hours..."

Mia's speech was brutally interrupted by Gamma who struck her in the chest with a thunderbolt

"I'm sorry to disappoint you..." Gamma said getting up slowly "It's true, it hurts, very much... but not enough to keep me immobilized... while as far as my powers are concerned they are just very weakened!"

"It's not possible..." Mia said, trying in vain to get up

"Well blondie, unfortunately for you it's possible! Now if you don't mind waiting... I have to kill your beloved detective!" he said heading towards Nora, still lying on the ground

"Dad..." Nora said over comms

"You know Nora, I used a special trick of Thawne... I stole his speed!"

"What does it mean?"

"Ask him why he didn't die in the crisis! Sprinters can steal each other's speed"


"Simply put, no one can save you!" Gamma said kneeling next to Nora and starting to vibrate her right hand "You know, it's a pleasure to have reached this point!"

"Please... don't... I have a daughter... what will she do without me?" starting to cry

"You won't have to worry about that! She's next on the list!"

Gamma's hand was now one step away from Nora's chest, there was no way out for her, not this time.. so, between one sob and another, the young speedster closed her eyes, ready to face her destiny

When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now